Dogs medicine and Petty squabbles

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Tia is seen with Zwei. She puts a medicine capsule on her dog's tongue, but Zwei drops it.

Tia: Zwei, you gotta take your medicine, buddy.

She opens up Zwei's mouth and pops the capsule back in, but Zwei spits it out.

Tia: (grunts in frustration) Dog! This stuff is more expensive than anything I take! You chew this up or so help me...

Yang: mom, you can't just shove the pill in his mouth like a reverse-piñata, there's a method.

Tia: You mean using peanut butter?

Zwei gets excited and zooms between the two of them.

Yang: (chuckling) You're so primitive. No, let me demonstrate. (picks up Zwei) Zwei, you are a loved and valued member of this family, we need to take action so that you can live your best life.

While she makes her speech Zwei gets happier and happier. Yang places Zwei on top of a nearby table and does a bowing gesture.

Tia: Ha! You think that's gonna work on a dog?

Yang: No, it's just supposed to distract him. (takes out a walkie-talkie) Now! Take the shot!!

Zwei whimpers, the table he is on has a red X painted on it then hands clamp down on him. Ruby Rose is seen loading a medicine capsule into Crescent Rose.

Ruby: One shot, one pill.

Ruby aims and fires, the capsule travels in slow motion before landing directly into Zwei's mouth and seeing you holding Zwei down.

Yang: Direct hit! I repeat, direct hit!

Ruby: (over walkie-talkie) Did you see that?!

Tia: Woah, you girls are so sneaky. I'm impressed!

Yang: Yeah, you should see how we sneak a peek at our birthday presents early every year.

Suddenly, Yang's expression changes when she realized what she just said.

Tia: (frowning) You... what?

Yang: Uh oh, uh... (takes out walkie talkie) Secondary target! Take the shot, Ruby! Take the shot!

Tia: (livid) I can't believe you girls--

Suddenly, a capsule is shot into Tia's mouth, which causes her to choke. She falls back still white eyed and unconscious. You walk in holding a tray full of cookies.

You: hey Yang, me and Summer made cook-

you stop when seeing Tia on the floor passed out and Yang white eyed. You back away slowly not wanting to get in to this.

Winter is seen at a bookstore, she spots a book on the shelf, titled "COLD HEART/HOT LOVE". She tries to grab it, but someone else beats her to it, revealed to be Quill. Winter gasps as Quill inspects the contents of the book. She chuckles, which Winter draws her sword.

Winter: Release that book at once! You probably don't even read.

Quill: Don't worry, you can borrow it afterward. I'll underline all the "good" parts.

Winter growls and tackles Quill, creating a cloud of smoke as fighting sounds are heard. The book is tossed out of the cloud.

Later on, Winter walks up to a noodle stand being run by the Shopkeep, who is cleaning a bowl.

Winter: I demand noodles of a delicious nature and in a timely manner.

The Shopkeep grunts for a bit before hitting his noodle stand, causing a "CLOSED" sign to drop down.

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