Teachers wrath

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We open to Ozpina standing outside the edge of the Emerald Forest holding on to The Long Memory and whistling.

Ozpina: You know, sometimes I feel a little guilty sending students off on these dangerous missions. Eh, they'll be fine.

Behind him, you bounce into view, grunting, but landing on your feet dramatically and holding out a ring of keys.

Ozpina: ah y/n l/n, did you complete your quests for the Artifacts of Entry?

You: You mean these house keys?

You said showing the key's 

Ozpina: (dramatically) They are known by many names.

You: (unimpressed) and Is one of those names "house keys"?

Ozpina: (snatching them) Names aren't important. Better make a copy of these.

Ruby Rose, her cloak on fire, slowly starts to walk up to them.

Ozpina: Miss Rose, did you recover the—

Ruby holds up a finger, cutting her off.

Ruby: Just a second.

She falls onto her back and rolls side to side a little bit, putting out the fire. Immediately, she is on her feet again, energised.

Ruby: Ah, OK. Here's your Scroll (coughing) I mean the Artifact of Knowledge.

Ozpina gives her a "gimme" gesture as she speaks and Ruby tosses it to her professor. Ozpina immediately opens it.

Ozpin: You, um, you didn't look at the photo gallery, did you?

Ruby: Well, mostly I was trying to escape the forest alive. Heh-eh.

Looking through his images, Ozpina gasps.

Ruby: Why?

Ozpina: I still haven't deleted my photos from the faculty costume party, which turned out not to be a costume party at all. (angrily) Port.

You: You wanna talk about it?

Ozpin: Erase. Erase. Oh, OK, that looks pretty good.

Ozpin turns in such a way that you can see the image on the Scroll. You gasp and bend back blushing

(Ozpina costume)

Ozpina: Nice legs, Oz

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Ozpina: Nice legs, Oz. You worked that look.

Ruby: No, wait, wait. Are you just sending us on quests to find stuff you misplaced and calling them Artifacts?

Ozpina: (putting the Scroll away). Ruby Rose, I am shocked. Shocked and dismayed at these baseless accusations.

Screaming, June Arc falls from the sky and lands on you when the dust clears she's okay and you had crooked glasses and swirling eyes. She then noticed Ozpina beside her

home away from home away from home (Rwby chibi harem x male reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें