Drugs, Drugs, Fucking Drugs. 22.

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Precious's POV. 

I woke up quite suddenly from the ramming noises that sounded outside of the random bedroom I was in. I got up as I staggered from the spot I was in, I slowly walked over to the door turning the lock as it opened quickly; almost knocking me back onto the floor. I regained my balance as I felt arms surrounding my tired body.

"What the fuck, beauty?" Kane's voice sounded through my ringing eardrums.

I awkwardly patted his back as I tried to untangle his arms from my waist. He wouldn't budge.

"Get off," I croaked out as I felt his arms grow lax.

"Beauty." Kane's voice sounded sad as I slowly lifted my beaten face.

I watched his eyes glaze over with sadness as he raised his arm, his hand opening to me.

"Please come with me." Kane's voice sounded strained.

I crossed my bruised arms over my chest, "what if I choose not to Kane?" I retorted.

"Then I'll take you by force. Beauty. Make this easy for me, yes?" His voice bargained with me in a soft, smooth voice.

I almost caved as I felt my arm connect with his, but I pulled them away hurriedly, like I had just been burnt by a flame. I tucked my shaky hands into my chest as I looked at him with an expression which resembled that of a caged animal. My eyes went wide as I looked for a way out.

"Why would I go with you, where are you taking me, Kane?" I shouted furiously as I wobbled on my unsteady legs.

I smacked his hand which came out to steady my tired figure. I saw his hand make a fist as it returned back to his side. He looked at me with an unreadable expression as he sent me an unapologetic smile. He advanced closer towards me.

"All you need to know is that you need to come with me, beauty." Kane spoke at me like this was not up for a debate.

I shoved my way past him and his tall figure with all my might, squeezing myself between him and the door.

I quickly opened door, hurriedly jumping through the crack in the door, "fuck you, Kane. I'm not going with you and that's a promise."

I raced (as fast as I could with my two bad legs), down the hallway towards the stairs where I heard his combat boots stop behind me.

I snarled with rage as I whipped my body around to face him.

"I will never go with you." I spat at him as I hobbled further down the corridor, occasionally banging into things as I went.

I heard the loud bangs as well as a few things smashing onto the floor - as well as the occasional object falling from the various cabinets ahead of me. I scoffed as I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I didn't dare turn around as I knew that if I did, I'd break.

I cursed loudly as my hands went up in the air. I quickened my pace, which was hard to do as I was still high on the heroine I had taken that night, I wiped the sweat from my brow as my vision became hazy. I smacked a hand to my cheeks to try and wake myself up.

I stopped abruptly, feeling warm arms encapsulate me. I stood there as my form shook; tears clouded my already hazy eyes as they fell from my tear ducts.

This was what I dreaded, Kane seeing me like this. But it was all getting too much for me, I thought I was over it but I wasn't. Especially since that girl, whom I will not name telling Ciro my whereabouts. Nothing is going right at all since I had been crowned heir to the Moretti Empire.

"Let me go... Kane." I spoke roughly as I tried to disconnect his hands from my waist.

Kane's grip tightened further around my waist - like a snake waiting to devour his very next me. That meal being me.

His Preziosa | Book 1 of The Italian Hounds Series COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now