A Bloody New Start. 21.

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Five years have passed.

Precious's POV.

"You better quiet or I will shoot your kneecaps so that you can't walk." I pushed my dark red gun into the grovelling, sniffling female's neck. I went on, "Do you understand me, traditrice?"

I continued to listen to her whimper out in fear, I looked at her with disgust, if it was her fault this was happening anyway. This female, whose name I will not utter, leaked vital information about my whereabouts to my ex-lover.

Why do you ask? I simply do not know, as the last words he uttered to me were 'if I see you again, I shall kill you!'

I slumped deep into my seat as I watched her with a tiny bit of sadness, I loved this girl like she was my own. Took her in, raised her when nobody wanted her. But here she was betraying the only person who dared to go against everyone to show her an ounce of mercy.

"Why? Why did you do it?" I urged her with an ounce of frustration leaking into my voice as I spoke directly to her."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, comare. Please have mercy on me...!" The young girl screamed out as she slammed her head on my nice, clean red floor.

"Tell me why." I spoke calmly.

"Comare, I shouldn't have done it.... Please. Please." The frightened girl chanted over and over again until I shushed her.

"You know what I have to do now, you brought this upon yourself." I spoke with no emotion.

I tutted as I leaned back in my black chair, crossing one of my slender legs over the over I watched her for a few minutes. Pity crossed my mind for a sparse minute but that quickly disappeared as my hand pulled the trigger.

The girl's lifeless body hit the floor with a soft bang. I sighed to myself. I watched as the dark red blood oozed out of the bullet hole which protruded from her head. Her lifeless eyes stared at me with an eerie look.

I turned my head. I leaned my forehead in my hand as I watched my rookies move the dead body away from my sight.

"Bury her body, once it's done come and tell me. Si?" I spoke with authority to the rookie who shivered.

"Yes, right away, comare." They both shouted.

They disappeared. I slumped into my chair as I felt sick to my stomach.

"Precious?" I heard my name being called from the corner of the room.

I raised my head in question as I watched my trusted friend, Fia, call my name from across the room. I watched her silently as she walked towards my throne. Her long orange hair burned brightly from the sun which streamed in through the open windows.

Her eyes smiled brightly as she clocked my figure which sat, slumped in my chair. She wore a tight leather corset with black cargo trousers, her usual attire. Fitting for her underlying tone of mischievousness.

Her figure stopped at my throne as she saw her fingers anxiously pulling at her loop on her cargos. I waited for her to speak, raising an eyebrow as she didn't say anything.

"Fia, you know not to call me that." I spoke quietly recalling the name I used to go by until that happened...

I coughed as I looked at her with my full attention. I watched as she began to fidget. I curled my finger at her in a come here motion. She stood closer to my form, I suddenly got up hearing my knees crack as I stood to my full height. I embraced her warmly.

"What's wrong, tiny Fia?" I asked her as I smoothed her unruly orange hair.

"Conan wants to see you, deirfiúr," She spoke quietly as she nuzzled her face against my chest, "I told him you were busy, but he didn't want to listen to me," I heard as she huffed into my chest.

His Preziosa | Book 1 of The Italian Hounds Series COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now