60. Lycans And Hunters Of Tares City

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It was sheer luck that no one had reported the noise or destruction coming from the restaurant or happened upon it by chance. Jensen acknowledged that it was late at night and the streets were empty but he also knew these conditions won't remain that way for long.

"Listen up," He begins, his voice soft but his tone assertive - His team leader traits coming into play. "We need to get ahead of this situation before it gets out of our control. As far as we know, no one's reported anything. Yara, you need to decide how this is going to go. Are we going to keep this quiet and clean the mess ourselves, or do you want to involve the police and take a legal route? Just know, though... your cameras in this hall and the stairwell are down. The main floor ones are still running but it probably hasn't caught much. That's not much for them to work with."

Yara looks at him, wiping her tears as she thinks over his words. To her side, Clayton's head shoots up to where the cameras are located, his brow rising in shock seeing that Jensen was right. "Quiet, we have to do it quietly. The hunters won't go to the police and even if we do, it won't do us any good." Yara responds. 

Jensen gives her a nod, satisfied with her response, "Here's what's going to happen," He begins again, eyes going to Clay. "First we need to secure the area. Tarp and construction tape, do you have any here, or in the truck?"

"Yeah, I left some tarp in the basement storage here and I might have some loose ends of tape in the truck's bed."

"Good. Get the tape, get some chairs... use it to block off the window wall and the sidewalk. We'll sweep the shards to the side as well. We aren't calling the police, so no need to preserve the scene." Jensen instructs.

"The tarp?" Clayton asks.

"We need that to move Lee. His body can't stay where it is, it's too out in the open, and runs the risk of being seen." He answers, Clayton nodding in understanding. "Yara, dial Decker for me on your phone." 

"Okay," She answers doing as he asked, handing him her cell. 

"Get me an update on their situation," He says to Dalton as he passes the phone to him - Dalton nodding in response. 

Turning back to Yara, he continues, "While he does that, go to your office, see what they were after and what's missing. Clay and I will start with the downstairs. When Dalton gets through with Decker he and I will go meet them. You will have to stay with Darla -  we can't leave her and we won't be able to convince her to move just yet. Clay, you'll stay with Yara... just in case... Let's move!"


"I got a location from Decker. He says they'd just flipped the hunter's car, they're moving in now. He says they have it under control and they'd bring the bastards back here," Dalton rushes out to Jensen as he and Clay are in the middle of tying tape around the chairs on the sidewalk. 

"Go, Jensen. You and Dalton," Clayton says to him. "I'll finish up here and deal with Lee's body. I'll call you if anything happens." 

"Okay," Jensen nods, "D, let's go."

"And Jensen!" Clay called out to him as he walked away.


"Here, take my truck," Clayton says tossing his keys, "Take the extra tarp too."



Dean wanted nothing more than for the night to be over but he knew that wasn't going to be the case. Following the fiasco at the supposed L-XV dealer's home, the three of them waited there for Quinn's organization's clean-up crew to arrive. 

Tares CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora