She was angry and I deserved her anger.

"I'm so sorry, baby. Things happened and I needed space. I'm sorry." I rubbed my head and sighed in exhaustion. "Jackie, I need to ask you something."

"I also have something to tell you. It's about Matt and---"

"Matt?" I rose in fear. "Did he do anything to you? Fuck, if that bastard did anything to hurt you, I'll kill him. Are you okay? Have you spoken to Axel?"

"Lucas? Can you stop?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"I found out that Matt is related to you."

I blinked and tilted my head when confusion sank in. What did she mean by that and how did she know of such?

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I was---Wait, how did you know that too?"

"Just go on." I ran my fingers through my hair in anxiousness as I needed to know if Matt had said something to her or not.

"I was at Matt's place, and I found a receipt and on it was your last name. When I asked him about it, he kept telling me to know my place and all. I told Axel and he says he's still investigating on him. I'm worried, Lucas."

I sat back on the bed as I took in everything she had said. Her saying this only added to my curiosity and clearing my doubts. How was Matt related to me and what did he want if he was buddy-buddy with Axel's dad.

"Listen, I need you to be careful around him. In fact, I need you to stay away from him. If you have to fake being sick for the project you have with him, so you end up avoiding him, do it but I need you away from him. I will speak to Axel or Jared to stay with you, okay? Or you stay with Evangeline just don't stay alone."

"I get it but what's happening? You mentioned something about Matt to and---"

Someone knocked on my door, distracting me from what she was saying. I got up and went over to the door. While Jackie spoke, I opened the door and raised an eyebrow when I saw the girl I had bumped into at my doorstep.

"Hi!" She said in a cherry voice, waving. "I'm Maddie."

My heart skipped a beat at her name. I eyed her body, freezing from fear as I wondered if this was Maddy from months ago. The one who almost ruined our lives. There was no way she was here when she was dead.

The girl before me stopped smiling when she saw my reaction. I blinked and shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, you said you were?"

"Maddie," she said and stretched out her hand. "You met me yesterday in the hallway. I was bored and came to check if you were around for us to hang out. I hope that is okay."

I ended the call and pocketed my phone then took her hand to shake it back. She smiled and I dropped my hand then looked her up and down again, trying to find similarities in the dead Maddy. Maddy was a crazy bitch, and she could have survived and came back with a new face.

"Uh...I..." I had nothing to say.

"We could just head over to the bar downstairs." She covered her mouth quickly then dropped her hands. "I am so sorry. I don't want to force you to do anything. You can say no if you want."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to get myself back. I needed a distraction anyway. There was enough on my head right now and maybe getting a drink or two could help. I could have flown back to Atherton but that was stressful, and I was not done with what I had to do here.

"Fine," I said and stepped out of the room. I ignored the gleeful look on her face as I knew what her intentions were, and I was going to end up telling her I had a girlfriend and a kid.

Some minutes later, we were at the bar, drinking in silence. I was busy with my phone while she sat beside me at the bar, sipping her drink and acting as if she wanted to say something. She seemed shy around me. Lucas from the past would have easily flirted with her and had her on her back on the bed of the hotel but I was a changed person with a partner and a future to look into.

"Uh... So, what brings you here?"

"Business." I was not in the mood for long talks.

"Me too. I am here on a business trip. My dad owns an oil company, and I am here to represent him."

"Okay," I said, getting bored.

"What about you---"

I slammed my glass a bit harshly, startling her. I turned my head to look her directly in the eyes.

"Look, Maddie or whatever your name is. I am not interested in whatsoever it is you have to say. I am---"

My words were cut off when she pressed her lips on mine, hard and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. My eyes were wide and mind blank as her lips moved against mine. Anger and disgust filled me, as well as my conscience nagging me as I had a woman and being in a lip-lock with this woman was wrong. I placed my hands on her thighs, trying to force my head back but she kissed me harder. I opened my mouth to speak but she forced her tongue in my mouth.

This was wrong. So, fucking wrong.

A/N: Uh-Oh... Maddie... Again?

When Bad Boys Fall IIWhere stories live. Discover now