Part 25

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By the time Bakugo got back to Deku he saw in his room All Might and Recovery girl in his room they where talking Bakugo tilts a little bit of the door open a little and listen to what they where talking about.

"Me and All Might both agree that your peice of power with one for all is slow self healing in other means your body in a slow amount of time can heal itself."  Recovery girl explains.

Bakugo watched Deku tilt his head "I don't understand?" All Might sighs at Deku's question "she means you can heal yourself young Midorya I also think it was due to Eri when you fought with her on your back I think she in fused a part of herself to you and with you having one for all. It is a new part of the power you where able to unlock but I think it only works on you so you can't heal other people with it."

Deku crossed his arms and faced away from All Might "You could do super speed when you had it didn't you All Might that was your part of the power." Deku says still trying to understand what was going on All Might nods his head and placed his hand to Deku's knee.

"I believe so after everthing you have been put through and how you and your body fought back was a surpise not just for me but others around you we also think it was the main reason why Simon put so many tests on you.

Deku sighs it started making sence at what was going on they chatted a little more about it. All Might and Recovery girl soon headed out Bakugo saw them coming he made himself look as he wasn't listening in on them. All Might saw him after stepping at "AH young Bakugo glad to see you out of the hostipal!" Bakugo rolls his eyes "tch..." was all that came out of his mouth.

They see a little girl who tries to run past them only to bumb into Bakugo and fall back down it was Eri "Watch where you are going you brat!" Bakugo spits out Eri looks at him "I'm sorry Chan...." Bakugo about bit his tounge at what Eri just said "What did you call me!?" The way he spoke made Eri worry "I am sorry if you don't like it but I have been calling people I am close with there own nickname." Bakugo sighs and put his hand down on her head.

"Fine just don't call me that when we are around the others and for my sake do not tell Deku either do I make myself clear?" Eri nods "No promises  Chan!" Eri says with a huge smile Bakugo removed his hand only to get another hand on his shoulder.

"That is so sweet Young Bakugo she has her own nickname for you!" Eri turns to All Might and smiles more "Thank you uncle All Might." Bakugo removed his shoulder from him. He started to head into Deku's room and Eri followed him as soon as he opened the door Eri runs in and jumps in the bed with Deku and giving him a huge hug.

"IZU I MISSED YOU!" Eri shouts she was so happy to see him Deku. Hugs her back "I missed you too I can see that Kacchan is here with you." Eri nods and giggles "Yeah I ran into Chan on my way in." Deku couldn't help but light laugh at the nickname Eri gave Kacchan "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT MY NICKNAME DON'T SAY IT TO THE OTHERS!"

Deku gets done laughing "Thats the whole point of having a nickname Kacchan is for others to hear it." Bakugo points at Deku "Shut up nerd I never asked you!" Deku still laughed even Eri started to laugh. Bakugo rolls his eyes "I hate you all!" Deku was laughing so hard his stomach started to hurt and he was trying to catch his breath.

Bakugo smriks Deku was really laughing after everything he had been put through Bakugo runs over to the two and playfully rough house with Deku and Eri it made Deku laugh even more until Bakugo almost knocks his IV out.

"Easy there Kacchan you almost knocked my IV out." Bakugo rolls his eyes "I'll do whatever I want to nerd we still have a one for one." Deku rolls his eyes "Whatever you say Kacchan." Eri wraps her hands to the back of Bakugo's neck and he stood up off of Deku's bed.

He started to go in round with Eri on his back she was laughing and having fun then a snap of a camera was heard all three of them turned to the door and see Mina Kirishima Uraraka Todoroki Kaminari and Momo in the door way clearly there to see Deku Mina was the one to take the photo.

"Awwww Bakugo really does have a soft side." Bakugo placed Eri down to Deku "Remove the picture Pinky NOW!" Bakugo screams "No I don't think I will I knew you had a soft side." She smiles at him Bakugo started to run after her "Remove it or I will!!" Mina runs to the hall Bakugo on her tail "Kaminari he's onto us!" Hearing Kaminari was in on this made Bakugo more madder there was more yelling but it was a way so the cloudn't hear it all.

Kirishima sighs "He is gonna kill them." Deku chuckled Uraraka sets by close and put her hand over Deku's hands "Hey Kirshima when I get out of here I want to give Kacchan the gift we picked out." Kirishima had forgotten about that "Oh yeah he got a birthday coming up all though I think he will be happier to see you back at UA I heard from Bakugo that your dad wants to take you to the USA."

Uraraka looks at Deku's face "That's not true right?" there was sadness in her voice Deku held on tighter to her hand "I told him I am not leaving you all alone we all have been through so much with each other." Uraraka smiles and she kissed his cheek "Glad to hear it be hard to talk to you over sea's." They all hear a blast and what sounded like a women screaming "Damn it babe is going to get us all kicked out." Kirishima say's annoyed and he goes out to find Bakugo.

Deku pulls Uraraka closer "Glad you said no Midoryra we would all miss you." I would miss you guys too plus I think it will be a bit much on Eri. Uraraka smiles at him she really didn't want him to go with all her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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