Part 22

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*Trigger waring*

rape is brought up in this part -BladeMaster122

Hisashi was walking back and forward in the hallway thinking of how Izuku was going to react to moving to the US, but he couldn't stand his son being in pain and the fact that bitch Toga had raped him. But not just him but to Bakugo too he wanted to throw up and cry, but he had to keep it together for Izuku the teen has had so much going on in his life.

Just like Izuku Hisashi start to mumble while walking around paying no mind to what was going on. He felt a hand on his shoulder to turn to a guy around the same age as him he had brown hair and glasses "Your Hisashi Midoriya Izuku's father, right?" Hisashi nods "You are?" The man removes his hand oh I am so sorry I'm Masaru Bakugo Katsuki is my son he was friends with your boy Izuku." Hisashi held out his hand so they can shake hands.

"Oh how is Katsuki?" Hisashi asks Masaru sighs "He is awake unlike what I can say for your son my wife is with him the doctors have been making him throw up to remove the poison in his body and it is really hard on him right now." Hisashi sighs "I'm sorry about that both boys looked really pale the time we found them wish we got to them sooner." Masaru put his hand back onto his shoulder "Hey we do what we can for our kids that's all we can do soon he will be back screaming at my wife again."

Hisashi shook his head "Wait Katsuki yells at your wife?" Masaru laughs "He takes after my wife more than he does me however when he was little Katsuki was more to himself until he met your son." Masaru looks down "I hope your boy will be alright he is a good kid Inko did a good job with him why did you leave them?" Hisashi turned away "I left because I thought Izuku would have been better off without me but looking at the stuff he has been through me leaving him was all for nothing."

Masaru wanted to say more but his phone went off it was his wife Mitsuki "Masaru I need you Katsuki is puking all over the place it's not good!" Masaru rubs his eyes after removing his glasses and moans this is has been a long three days already "Okay Hun I am heading your way okay I...." He was cut off by hearing a barfing sound and Mitsuki screaming in the background *Someone for the love of God kill me. * Rang in Masaru's head he took off not before waving bye to Hisashi.

Hisashi looks back into his son's room he saw his hand move and got close he watched Izuku open his eyes and he started to touch his face "Hey there son how do you feel?" Deku don't speak a word to him he was quiet, but he removed his blanket and looks down at his ankle where the ankle bracelet was on "It....its off...." Deku mumbles under his breath Hisashi understood what he was talking about "Yes it has been removed took many hours to remove it from you and Bakugo."

Deku nods "Is Kacchan okay?" Hisashi nods "He is fine other than him puking his guts out right now he's fine." Deku stands up and away from his bed "I want to see him." Hisashi stops him "That's not a good idea right now Izuku besides you might feel off yourself having something like that on might have harmed your quirk to."

Deku sits back down and looks at the scars on his arms and hands Hisashi saw his chance to tell him "Izuku buddy I have done some thinking and I think its best if I take you with me to live in the US there is a good school in the town, I live in I think you will be happier and safer there." Hisashi saw Izuku shake like he was having a seizure he falls off the bed and to the floor shaking.

Hisashi started to scream for a doctor "CAN I GET A DOCTOR SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MY SON HELP!" he screamed a doctor came running in the doctor was aware of Deku's past and sets him up he was still shaking "easy Izuku in and out deep breaths you are okay you are safe." The doctor gives Hisashi a pissed off look.

Took time but the doctor was able to get Deku to calm down and back in his bed he then had a word with Hisashi "What the hell was that in case you haven't figured it out, but Izuku has a case of PTSD not to forget the fact the boy was raped what the hell was that!?" Hisashi grit his teeth at the foolish doctor "He is my son you pain in the ass old fart what the fuck is your problem I am well aware Izuku was raped so was his friend I want another doctor for my son!" The doctor started to point his figure at Hisashi.

"You are an awful father, and you know it I saw your son's report and let me say you're a huge piece of shit!" Hisashi grabs him by the collar "I swear to God I will use my fire breath on you if you don't shut the fuck up! I am okay with you being here because you're a doctor otherwise fuck off and find someone else be my son's doctor!"

Hisashi and the doctor where to busy screaming at each other to not notice that Izuku had left his room and he went looking for Bakugo's room hearing his dad scream at his doctor was enough for him he spots Kacchan's father who was in the hall talking on the phone Deku grabs his shirt and pulls on it Masaru turns and looks at him.

Hisashi wasn't kidding even now Izuku looked pale he hangs up on the phone "Oh Izuku your awake you want to see Katsuki, right?" Deku nods and Masaru leads him to his son's room, and they heard screaming from Katsuki and Mitsuki "Oh calm down would you!! Kat I...." "OH, screw you old hag I don't need your help!" then a barfing sound was heard Masaru shook his head and walked in the room Deku follows him to see Kacchan and his mother going at it heavy.

Masaru coughs and clear's his throat to get his wife and son to look at him which they do with evil looks they were about to bite his head off until they saw Deku right next to him Mitsuki walks over to him giving him a huge hug "Oh Izuku I didn't see you there you got so big." she rough fully puts him back down after hugging him.

"Mitsuki, I think we need to give the boys some alone time to talk I think they both need this." Masaru asks Bakugo let out a groan "Yeah leave old hag!" Mitsuki gives her son a death stare "Katsuki don't start I don't care how much you're throwing up your father and I was worried about you both!" Deku watched Kacchan's mother storm out the room.

He shakes it off looking at Kacchan though the two fighting was nothing new he saw by Kacchan's bed was a puke bucket Deku got closer to him "Kacchan I hate to ask this, but Toga did she..." Bakugo crossed his arms "rape me.... yes, I know she did it to you too nerd."  Deku looks at him face to face "Do your folks know?" Bakugo rolls his eyes "The old man knows not sure I want the old hag to know yet." Deku rubs his neck "how he take it?" Bakugo grits his teeth had it just been him that was raped no way in hell would he speak about this. But he does since him and Deku where both raped by the same person.

"The old man felt sick once I told him." Deku looks at the ground "Kacchan dad wants me to move to the US with him."

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