part 24

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"can't you see it Bakugo Izuku is holding you back your quirk is amazing why do you still hang out with a loser like that?"

Bakugo rolls his eyes yes, his quirk showed up, but Deku was still his friend.

"I mean the nickname for him is Deku for crying out loud."

Bakugo don't say anything this was one of the kids that lives near him and Deku they were all going to meet up later in the day to hang out Bakugo leads the group he is the leader of the line and Deku was always last in the line they were hiking in the woods.

They started to walk on a log and Bakugo was singing his marching theme not paying attention to where he was walking and slipped on the ledge side of the log and falls into a small river down below it caught everyone off guard "Hey Bakugo you alright!?" one kid shouted he was going to answer him, but a hand got in his way.

"Are you okay I was scared you hit your head or something?" Bakugo looks at whoever was speaking it was Izuku he frowns and slaps his arm away "I don't need help from a quirk less loser like you!" This shocked Izuku "Kacchan what are you talking about?" Bakugo stands up and pushes Deku to the ground "your weak and will always be weak I don't need a quirk less loser to be my friend!"

Deku was in shock "But Kacchan I..." Bakugo hits him in the cheek using his quirk it left a mark on Deku's cheek "Just stay away from me you damn nerd!"

*Just stay away from me you damn nerd!!"*


Bakugo woke up in his hospital room he was now sharing with Deku who was still asleep he grits his teeth the nerd is weak and will always be weak right? Then why was he feeling so off himself ever since Toga had her fun with them both things have not felt the same then again, the both of them have been kidnapped twice.

He knew this had its effects on the nerd but still why was he feeling pain himself? The door slammed open making Bakugo jump a little and waking Deku up causing black whip to go wild once again "Easy nerd it's just shitty hair who should have given us more of a warning!" Bakugo glares at his boyfriend Deku pulls Black whip back and rubs his hair "sorry about that." Bakugo rolls his eyes they got a knock to their door before Bakugo can tell them to go away Deku answers the door.

"Come in." Deku answers Bakugo rolls his eyes and grabs his blanket and rolls over turning away from whoever came in the room. It was cops that walked in Deku and Kirshima watched them walk in "Hello Izuku how are you feeling?" Deku shrugs "doing better than when I first got here." A cop nods "my partner and I have a task for you." Bakugo turns around "what task?" Deku asks "We want you to speak with Simon again and talk to him don't worry kid he will be locked away from you he..."

Bakugo straight away buts in "NO the nerd has been through enough leave him and me alone and I will call a button to get you two out if that is the reason your here than piss off!" Kirshima just watched he knew he had no say in this Deku rubs his arms glad that Kacchan put his word in one of the cops clears their voice "I hate to do this to you three but its got to be one of you." Deku grabs his blanket on his bed and fully coving himself with it.

"Like Kacchan said go away." Deku says the cop speaking tries to remove the blanket off of Deku Bakugo leaps off his bed and grabs the cop by the arm "The nerd said go away and I am not asking again get the fuck out of here NOW!!"  The cop holds out his hands "easy their son I have seen you on tv before you won some kind of school event and acted crazy when you won." Bakugo tightness his fits "I will show you crazy if the two of you don't get the fuck out of here!" Kirshima clears his voice "I do what he says you don't want to upset them more then you have already."
without more words both cops walked out of the room Deku removed the blanket he covered himself with "thank you Kacchan." Just the thought of seeing Simon once again made Deku's blood run cold that was the last thing, he wanted the rest of their morning was normal doctors came and speak to them around noon Bakugo got some good news in about a day or two he can leave the hospital Deku however needed more time because unlike Bakugo his body didn't react to the ankle bracelet. Kirshima sticked around to talk with them even though he was about to drive Bakugo nuts.
Deku felt kind of down, but it was nice having Bakugo in the same room with him he tells off anyone that made him feel off of being in their room. As the day went on Bakugo steps out of the room with Kirshima and no surprise they see the two cops from earlier and the get close to them "Thought I told you assholes NO!" Bakugo spits out.

The cop that spoke earlier was speaking again "We need at least one of you to at least speak to Simon we need to get as many notes as we can we get it must be too much for Izuku to handle I take it the three of you are friends?" Kirshima shook his head no "I didn't know Midoryia until I got into UA, but I know my boyfriend Bakugo knows him better than me they...." Bakugo cuts him off "Damn it shitty hair why did you tell them that!?"

the cop coughs "anyhow Bakugo is it I found out from a doctor you can leave in a few days?" Bakugo nods and crossed his arms "What about it?" The cop looks him dead in the eyes "Would you be able to handle it for Izuku?" Bakugo looks at shitty hair and he looks back at Bakugo "it's up to you babe."

This could work out Bakugo did have some choice words for Simon "okay you have my word."


Few days went by and just like Bakugo was told he could leave the hosptal he told Deku he will be back later that day to see him and stay in the room with him as for now he had to go to the poilce station where Simon was held at.

The cops lead him through the building past holding cells a few of them they were holding try to reach their hands out to Bakugo only for him to use his blasts to get them to back off he just wanted to get the fuck out of here as soon as he could the finally stopped at a huge cell door and the officer unlocks the door.

"You got ten minutes kid and he is hand cuffed to the table shouldn't do any harm to you." Bakugo rolls his eyes not before cracking his knuckles "Ten minutes is all I need to chat with this asshole."

Bakugo steps foot in the room and just like the officer said Simon was sitting in a chair hand cuffed to the table he looked pissed when he saw Bakugo and he knew it.

"Bet you are wishing the nerd was here?" Simon grins "I knew my subject would never have the balls to face me that is why they sent you here." Bakugo couldn't help but smirk a little "You do know you will fade away behind bars, right?" Simon started to laugh "oh you think you are so scary I should have killed you both when I had the chance, I could have used both of your spines to make the best weapon ever, but the damn fire breather and that faggot of your boyfriend got in the way."

Bakugo tightens up his fist "What did you call shitty hair!?" Simon grins fully at Bakugo "I called him a faggot which is what you and he is as for Izuku Midoriya he will always be MINE! There is nothing you can do about it!"

Bakugo stepped closer and slams his hands on the table Simon was cuffed too "Haven't you put the nerd through enough and besides you have been wasting your time for months the nerd never had a quirk to begin with you know All Might he gave his power to him you're a stupid dumbass!!"  Simon about choked on air "You're lying you worthless faggot!"

Bakugo removes his hands from the table he had two minutes left he stares Simon in the eyes once again "You ever mess with the nerd or get to him or whatever I promise you I will kill you." Once again Simon laughs "Would love to see you try kid." Without more words Bakugo left Simon in his room.

The Scar Hero (My Choice Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant