Part 13

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The teachers were talking about Deku and Eri's future since Inko took Eri in there was no ripping them apart be hard on them both if they did Midnight raised her hand, she knows about Deku's father all though he left them both when Deku was little Inko is an old friend of hers.

"We may need to bring in Mr. Midoriya." All Might about choked on his own spit "Are you crazy? That man has not been part of young Midoriya's life for years his dad left him when he was a toddler, I say no."

Aizawa put in his say "it his blood family though I think this would be best for him all I know about the man he can breathe fire as for Eri we will see how things work I agree with Midnight on this matter."

Nazu picked up the phone he was in Aizawa's scarf the whole time "I will get a hold of some people it's up to All Might to let young Midoriya know." All Might still didn't agree young Midoriya father lost everything to do with him when he left. "Before we get to ahead of ourselves, we should at least let young Midoriya's therapist know this is going to be rough on him."

All the teachers nod on what All Might said he was right the boy had trauma enough as it is this may make it worse. As for right now this is the plan, and they were going to let the kid know when his mother's service was over.  That was the plan anyway.


Eri went to sleep with Deku last night he needed her around that, and she felt off about staying in some else's room that and a few times she felt Deku kicking her in the middle of the night she wasn't to upset with him over it he wasn't used to sharing his bed with someone else.

She got herself out of bed and started to play with her toys as quite as she could not to wake Deku up. This went on for about an hour or so until a knock on his door woke him up, he was surprised to see Eri awake before him she was just playing with her toys, he goes to open the door rubbing his eyes and yawning he opens the door to see All Might.

"Moring young Midoriya can I come in?" Deku nods and yawns again stepping aside to let All Might in he goes and sits on his bed Eri kept playing with her toys "I got good and bad news about where you and Eri are going to end up." Deku just looks at him "what about it so what is the good news?" Deku asks All Might sighs "The good news is that you and Eri won't be ripped apart the bad news is the school has gotten in touch with your father."

Deku coughs on his own spit "WHAT!?" All Might nods "I tried to talk them out of it but since he is your only blood family and your father, he has a right to have a say in the matter." Deku looked up at All Might "so that is it the school thinks it's best to bring in a man that hasn't been part of my life for years!?" All Might nods "I am sorry I really wish there was another way." Deku grabs on to his knees All Might was telling him the truth Eri stopped playing and tries to get on Deku's lap.

He lets her without thinking his mother just died by a copy of a man that held him for six weeks and the school thinks it best to throw him in with his father who he hasn't seen in years this has to be some kind of joke but the way All Might spoke it wasn't one.

"I am going to go just let that sink in alright." All Might then heads out the room Eri grabs one of his hands "What are we going to do Izu?" Deku grabs back on to her hands "It is going to be okay Eri." Deku tells her that to not make her worried but to him he was don't right scared.


A couple of days went by before his mother's service and the school was quick to get a hold of Deku's father, he was right in the middle of the class when he was pulled Midnight pulled him out and took him to the teacher's lounge, she opened the door, and he walked in to face a middle-aged man which oddly enough looked just like him.

"Hey Izuku, you sure got big." Deku just looks at him eye to eye he had black curly hair freckles on his cheeks and just like him and his mother he had green eyes. "Are you going to say anything to me son?" Hearing that made Deku mad to no end "YOU LEFT YEARS AGO I HAVEN'T HERD FROM YOU AND YOU COME BACK AFTER MOM DIED AND SAY ARE YOU GOING TO SAY ANYTHING TO ME SON!?" Deku was so mad at him his father trys to get close to him and touch him, but Deku slaps him away "DON'T TOUCH ME BETTER YET PISS OFF!" Deku opened the door and stroams out the door. Midnight watched the whole thing her mouth couldn't help but hang open at what the heck just happened.

As for his father he knew this was going to be how he would react, but Deku didn't know the whole story of why he left his mother and him he was trying to keep him safe from harm that is why he left in the first place he looks at Midnight who was and old friend of his wife's "What do I do now?" Midnight looks at him "Just give him time Hisashi this is a lot for him to take in plus he has been through a lot himself." Hisashi looks her dead in the eyes "What do you mean?" So, Midnight explains him everything she knew the best she could.

Deku didn't even bother going back to the classroom after that it was the end of class anyways Bakugo and Kirishima where the first in the hallway, they saw how upset Deku looked "Yō Midoriya you good?" Kirshima asks Deku paid no mind to him then they saw a middle-aged man trying to follow him Bakugo thought the worse like this man was trying to take Deku or hurt him.

He runs up to him and drop kicks him as hard as he could knocking the wind out of him "Who are you why are you following Deku!?" being dropped kick knocked the wind out of Hisashi he looked back at the damn kid who knocked him down.

He saw the kid was packed with another boy who was packed too holding his hand this place was weird how the hell did Izuku even end up here? He stood up and dust himself off. "I am Hisashi Midoriya Izuku is my...." Kirishima cuts him off "wait your his father?" Bakugo's eyes widen he knew enough about Deku's family enough to know that his father left years ago but here he is standing right in front of them. Hisahi nods "Do you know where he went?" Bakugo gives him a death stare "Like we tell you where Deku went!"

Hisahi didn't know what the hell Deku meant "please stop calling him that his name is Izuku and thanks for knocking me down earlier." Bakugo rolls his eyes and crosses his arms "I will call the nerd whatever I want to now I know where he gets the pussy from." Clearly Hisahi had a lot to learn about his son's life one he missed out on starting with the blonde hair kid with red eyes.

"Who the heck are you anyways you know what I can ask later just tell me where my son went?" Kirishima just pointed the way to the dorm rooms without saying anything Hisahi nods and goes down the hallway Bakugo hits him in the back of the head.

"What the fuck did you tell him it is clear he is up to no good!" Kirishima rubs his sore head "Look babe he looks just like Midoriya I really think that is his old man." Bakugo still didn't like the idea, but his boyfriend was right he did look so much like the nerd in every way he just hopes this wouldn't come back to bite any of them in the ass.

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