Part 16

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The next day Hisashi dropped off Deku for school he also took Eri by her School after Deku was going to be dropped off Deku got out of the car "Hey son call me tonight when your in the dorm rooms." Deku nods waiting for him was Uraraka and Iida Deku waves bye to his dad Uraraka gets close and gives him a hug.

"Hey Deku!" Deku hugs her back Iida greets the two "how's things with your dad Midoriya?" Deku shrugs his shoulders "As good as they can be I guess." Deku smiles right before Hisashi was able to leave he got a tap by his car window it was All Might he rolls the car window down. "What can I do for you All Might?" All Might gave him a cold look "Step out of the car I want to speak to you alone." Hisashi turns the car off and steps out of it.

"What's your game Hisashi you left Izuku when he was a toddler and you only come back because Midnight called you if you're really loved your son, you'd wouldn't have left at all." Hisashi crossed his arm's "You no nothing All Might at least I am here now so deal with it!" Hisashi turns back around to get back in his car All Might grabs him by the shoulder.

"You hurt that boy again in any way things won't end well for you." Hisashi don't turn back to him "Is that a threat All Might?" All Might hold tighter to his shoulder "No it's a promise I told Inko I would keep her boy safe even if it means I die to do so the saying follows to you because I am yet to trust you."

Hisashi opens up the car door "You are not his father I am." Hisashi sits in the car and closed the door with the window still down and All Might leans into the window "At least I was here unlike you." Those words made Hisashi pissed he rolled up the window and drives off that old fool had no clue what was really going on. He punches the front of the car freaking Eri out.

"I'm sorry Eri how about we get you to school also." Hisashi sighs.

All Might watched Hisashi drive away with Eri then faces front of the school where Deku was walking in with his friends it didn't matter if his father was still around All Might still saw Deku as a son.

Deku laughs and he remembers the locket his dad gave him, and he pulls it out from his shirt that was hiding it he opens it up and shows it to Uraraka she sees the photo of Inko Hisashi holding onto a baby Deku.

"Aww Deku you were so cute as a baby." Uraraka says with a huge smile Deku's face turns red "It was my dad's he just gave it to me I wasn't going to get it until I turned 18 teen but what after happened to mom, he gave it to me."

Deku shows it to Iida who nods at it Uraraka was right it's a cute baby photo of Midoriya while they talked All Might caught up, he overheard about the locket.

"Young Midoriya you have a second before class?" All Might asked Deku nods and he waves goodbye to Uraraka and Iida he was soon alone with All Might "What do you need All Might?" Deku asked the man took a deep breath "Your father he's not hurting you right?" Deku raised an eyebrow "why would he don't tell me your jealous All Might?" All Might choked on his spit "Of course not I just wanted to know if everything is okay you will tell me if something is wrong right?" The bell rings for class "yeah All Might excuse me I am going to be late for class." All Might watched Deku leave he still didn't like the whole idea of Hisashi being around.

Hisashi was finally able to drop Eri off he will pick her up around 3:00 PM he was looking for a job to get him by until he was able to take Deku and Eri overseas to live there for the rest of their lives. He wasn't sure how Deku would react to the plan for over sixteen years Japan has been his home. Hisashi was from the USA Inko was from Japan Hisashi got to know her by running into her through a work trip.

The both of them started to date before Hisashi knew it he was a dad. Just him being around was enough for Deku right now but still he had to tell him at some point.

It reached around noon lunch time Deku was hungry he placed his school things in his backpack someone touched his shoulder he turns to face Bakugo.

"What do you want?" Deku asks him Bakugo rolls his eyes "we have big hero training today after lunch and if I am against you be ready." Deku removes his hand from his shoulder "You don't scare me anymore Bakugo get over it." Those words made Bakugo mad he missed when Deku was scared of him all the time. He grabs Deku by his shirt and pulls him close.

"You are nothing nerd don't forget it I still see you as a qurikless nobody I don't care how much stronger you are." Deku grabs his hands and pulls himself away been a long time since he got one of Bakugo's threats "say what you want Bakugo, you're not pushing me around anymore!" Due to Bakugo grabbing him by the shirt he happens to see the locket Deku was wearing.

"First that god awful scarf and now a damn locket Deku!" Deku realized what he was talking about and puts it back under his shirt. He had no clue without saying anything else Deku walks away not before looking at Bakugo one more time "My dad gave me this and that scarf mom and Eri made it at least they love me enough to give me these things." Deku walks out of the classroom of course Bakugo showed he was still a rival even though Deku thought he was slowly becoming friends with him again guess he was wrong.

But Bakugo did say if anyone was going to mess with him, he would do it everything has been crazy these last many months ever since Eri was saved Deku was in his own world as he walked into the lunch hall.

About the same time Eri was getting ready to eat lunch herself when a kid pulls her by her hair Hammer is a kid that's been picking on her "how is my favorite horn freak doing?" He was still holding onto her hair Eri pushes him down.

"I knew it your evil with them crazy red eyes Eri the freak!" that was enough for Eri to walk up to Hammer after she got her lunch, she had a sandwich, and she smashes it all over his face a teacher saw it and made her go to the office.

Hisashi was in the middle of lunch himself he finally got a chance to get a part time job for right now then his phone ringed thinking it was from Deku's school he answered it instead it was from Eri's school she was in trouble, and he needed to be there.

The Scar Hero (My Choice Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz