SS - Tune Jo Na Kaha (1)

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Disclaimer: Akshara didn't confess her love to Abhinav, though she did mention in front of the family during MG/MJ fight (Kairav wedding) that she's "moved" on.

Trigger warning: Mention of suicide, loss of life


His steps faltered as he walked in the middle of the road. Headed where? He didn't know; nor did he care.

Your father's name? Abhinav Sharma

My only wish is that I stay with my mumma and papa in Kasauli

I couldn't keep you happy, I couldn't be a good father. I'm so sorry baccha, he thought as the events from yesterday replayed in his mind. The moment when everything was lost. He stumbled on a rock, dropping the bottle from his hand, falling flat on the concrete road.

He watched the bottle roll away, being missed by one and then another car, before finally meeting its fate. It shattered into a million pieces, just like his heart had yesterday.

He smiled, would he too meet the same fate? Would destiny finally relent on his soul, and free him from the pain? He stayed put, a graceful smile appearing on his face seeing the truck approach him.

Maybe his Mahadev was finally showing mercy on his bhakt (devotee), releasing him from this world. It was still a miracle he had survived for as long as he did.

He closed his eyes, ready to finally meet his maker.



His eyes fluttered, trying to open. When they finally did, he was blinded by light. He tried to look around, his vision still blurry. As he took in the surroundings of a hospital room, he closed his eyes in frustration. He had been cheated, yet again. His Mahadev not letting him come to him so easily. Why?

What else was left?

"Abhimanyu, can you hear me?" He heard his tayji's voice. "Abhimanyu, can you open your eyes?"

He looked at his tayji, who was checking his injuries and vitals. "You were in an accident Abhimanyu, but don't worry, you're in Birla Hospital, you're going to be just fine."

Fine, he internally groaned. He was far away from fine. He tried to look over himself, see what the damage was from this accident. His head hurt like hell, so head injury for sure. His neck felt constricted, so neck brace, and his right arm was in a cast, maybe a fracture? He rolled his eyes, reminded that this was the same arm which was the cause of his earlier misery.

"You should rest, your vitals look fine. I'll let everyone know outside that you're going to be okay", tayji conveyed. "Your mother's been worried sick, she'll be relieved", she said, as she caressed his head.

Ma, it hit him. In his thoughts of getting liberated from his pain, he hadn't given a thought on how his mother would take it. She had already witnessed her one son meeting his end, would she survive his demise? And what about Rooh and Junior? They loved him too. But, would he be able to live through the pain he felt? All these thoughts made his head just hurt more, so he decided to close his eyes, letting the pain meds do their work.

When he awoke again, he saw Dr. Rohan, checking his vitals. He was glad no one else was here, for he didn't have the strength to meet anyone.

"Sir, how are you feeling now?" He blinked as Rohan asked, assuring him he was as fine as could be. "Sir, I'll let the others know you're awake, they wanted to meet you", Rohan said as he made his way out. Before Abhimanyu could protest, he had left the room and his family had rushed in, his mother leading the group.

"Abhi!" She came forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead, caressing his head gently. "You scared me to death! What were you thinking? What if something happened to you?"

A wave of guilt washed over him looking at his mom, crying hysterically looking at his condition. She wouldn't have been able to take it, he concluded. He blinked his eyes in reassurance to his mom, letting her know he was sorry, he was fine now. He looked around to the others, his tauji/tayji, Parthbhai and Shefalibhabhi were there, but along with them, so were Arohi, the Goenkas, and the Sharmas.

He looked at her, standing next to Abhinav, who had his arm around her as she shed some tears. Their eyes met, and for the briefest second, he was transported back to the prior accident, when he had last seen a glimpse of his Akshu. But now, she was nowhere to be seen. He looked away first, knowing his eyes would betray him.

"Abhimanyu", his tauji called. "How are you feeling? Your neck was injured as well, so take it easy when talking. Just try to rest, you'll be fine in no time." He tried to sound encouraging, to reassure Abhimanyu he would be fine. Abhimanyu just blinked his eyes once in acceptance, before closing them shut.

The family filed out, as he heard his tayji voicing to them to let him rest. He slept again, his dreams filled with Abhir. Their time spent was short-lived, but it was beautiful, nonetheless. Then, his worst memory flashed before his eyes.

Dadda, I love you, and I know you love me a lot, but I want to live in Kasauli with my mumma and papa.

Would it be okay if I called you Docman?

His eyes opened with a sudden jolt, not being able to take it anymore. And that's when he saw it.

Saw her.

Sitting next to him, shedding silent tears.

As their eyes met, he noticed an emotion he had never seen before in her eyes. An emotion that reminded him of why he was here, in this condition. Why he had hoped he wouldn't make it. An emotion that forced him to look the other way, shocking her.


That's what he saw in the eyes of Akshara Sharma. Pity that he was in this condition, that he had lost his son.

"Abhimanyu", she called out, trying to talk to him. He took a deep breath, hoping his voice wouldn't betray him like his eyes.

Taking off his oxygen mask, he whispered out, "Akshara." He tried clearing his throat, to make his voice above a whisper. She tried denying, telling him not to talk, but he just put his hand up, needing to get this out.

"Akshara, I don't want to be rude, but I need you to leave." She looked at him dumbfounded, appalled at his request.

"Please, leave me alone"


Hello! Hope my readers are doing well. I'm sorry I have been in a funk, so haven't been able to write much. I hope this SS meets up to some expectations. I wanted to write about what would happen if Abhi finally hit his breaking point, after losing his son. What if he felt done with everything, and frankly, everyone? This will be heavily focused on Abhi's pov, though I will highlight Akshara's after a certain point.

Do vote and comment to provide your feedback on this :)

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