SS - Regrets (4)

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A/n: Hello! Thank you again for all the feedback, I appreciate it. Sorry for the delay in posting, it's going to be a busy week work wise, so updates might be a little late :( Hope you like this next part, look forward to your votes and comments. Happy reading :)



Akshara felt her breath quickening, her palms sweaty and heart thudding in her chest. She was visibly shaking, grasping for air. She brought her knees to her chest and tried to take slow and deep breaths, but they came out shaky. She was having yet another panic attack. They had become like a plague in her life, eating away at her being for as long as she could remember. She closed her eyes tight, trying to see his face, trying to get him to save her, once again. She started to calm down as soon as she felt his presence, he was here, he would save her, just like he always had. She relished the feeling of his support, the warmth of his hand on her head. She knew she was dreaming, like she had in the hospital so many years ago. She whispered his name like a prayer waiting to be answered...


She tilted her head up, looking into those hazel eyes that could always see through to her soul. He had come. Her peace, her solace, her knight in shining armor. As she sat up straighter, she noticed his eyes breaking their gaze, and the change in his expression. He took his hand away, and she immediately frowned, missing his touch. When she noticed his hand, the shiny ring clearly visible on his ring finger, realization dawned upon her. She wasn't dreaming...he was actually here. And she felt like someone had poured ice water on her; the reality of their situation coming to light. She realized what he had probably seen to take a step back. Her mangalsutra. The chain that was becoming like a chokehold on her, slowly cutting off her oxygen, her semblance to her prior self. She looked down, not knowing what to say, not knowing when he had come, or how much he had heard. Had he heard everything?


He saw her, struggling to breath, having yet another panic attack, and rushed over just as he'd done numerous times. She needs me, my Akshu needs me, his heart kept saying. He heard her calling out to him, so much love and devotion in the way she said his name. When she looked up, he saw just how broken she's become. He wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms in this moment. To hold her and let her know she's not alone, she'll always be his Akshu, and he, her Abhi. But as she lifted her head more, his eyes fell on the shiny chain hanging around her neck. Her mangalsutra. And just like getting hit by a ton of bricks, reality hit him. They're no longer just Abhi and Akshu. He took away his hand, much to his heart's dismay. He didn't know how they've gotten here, but now there seemed to be this invisible line, one that he knew he couldn't cross. He had done it once, and she had rejected him and left. He didn't know what she would do now. While looking here and there, he made his way to the other side of the bench and sat down.

His heart hurt, like someone had taken numerous hits to his chest. His eyes burned with the tears that still didn't seem to stop. From the corner of his eye, he saw her fidgeting with her kurti, still shaking and just looking down to the ground with a blank face. He knew he couldn't take her in his arms, but his heart didn't agree to just let her be. She needed comfort, the feeling of being held, so...he did the next best thing.


She had wanted to run into his arms, her safe space, but knew the dynamics were not the same. They were not the same. She wanted to ask him when he came, why he came, and what all he heard. She wanted to ask so much, but no words came out. It was like she forgot how to speak, staring at the ground aimlessly instead. She saw his hand extended to her, and looked in confusion. He was holding out his hoodie, but for what? She dared to lift her head to meet his eyes. The ones she noticed were also red, tears flowing just like hers. She wanted to wipe them away, cup his face in her tiny hands and let him know she was there, but alas, reality.

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