SS - Abhi ki Akshu (3)

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The family stood appalled at Abhir's outburst. The kid that was always well-behaved was now standing before everyone, angrier than ever. His cheeks red, hands fisted at his side, like he would fight anyone that got close. But they didn't get a chance to interject, as the nurses running in and out of Abhimanyu's room, the loud erratic beeping from inside had shifted the family's entire focus towards the emergency at hand. Akshara took this chance to take Abhir to the side.

"Betu, please, calm down. Take a deep breath for mumma. Everything is fine, you don't need to be angry. I'm fine, see?" She flashed her brightest smile, trying to calm down her son's anger.

Abhir followed his mumma's instructions and took some deep breaths to calm down. "But mumma, why was she yelling at you? I saw you crying. I didn't like it", he stated, hugging his mom.

She sighed at her son's questions, his concern. "She was upset, because her son is in the hospital. You know how I get when you're hurt, right? Just like that, she was hurting. It's okay", she reasoned. How could she tell her 6-year old the intricacies of these relationships? She had shielded him for 6 years from all the negativity, the blames she had faced, but after coming to Udaipur, it had seemed like an impossible task. First at Mimi's birthday party, and now this. She had wanted to bubble-wrap her baby, and protect his childhood, but each day it was getting harder to do so.

"Mumma!" She was brought out of her thoughts by her betu's worried tone. "Are you okay? What is this on your clothes?" He pointed to the blood stains on her sari, and as she looked, images of a bloody Abhimanyu came to her mind. She shuddered, shaking her head to try and rid her mind of the image. "Nothing, I am fine. Just got some stains when I was helping your DocMan", she said. "Anyway, why don't we go to the temple here and pray to Shivji and Kanhaji? Come." She said as she grabbed his hand and made their way to the temple.

Upon reaching the temple, she observed her son. He folded his little hands, closed his eyes tight and prayed."Shivji, please, take care of DocMan, and heal him soon. DocMan is such a good person, always helping others, he doesn't deserve anything bad. At first, I didn't like him, but after getting to know him, I've started liking him more. I'll be a good boy! I'll always listen to mumma, I'll drink my milk, do my homework. I won't bother anyone either, just please, heal my DocMan?"

A fresh batch of tears streamed down Akshara's face as she saw the love, the concern her son had for Abhimanyu. Without knowing the true nature of their relationship, he had developed such a bond, such a connection. What would happen if he knew? When he knew the truth? A wave of guilt washed over her, as she realized she had intentionally tried to hide this truth. She had deprived her son and Abhimanyu of a relationship that could be beautiful. Her anger, her fear had overpowered everything else.

While the mother-son duo stayed at the mandir, praying for Abhimanyu, Abhinav and Muskaan stood towards the back, their faces also racked with guilt. Abhir loved his DocMan, so much that not only was he waiting in the hospital for him, but also praying wholeheartedly for his recovery. They had also taken part in hiding the truth. Separating a father from his son, and depriving the son of his father's love.

The other family members still waited with bated breaths as nurses ran in and out of the room. Finally, when Mahima came out, they asked for an update on Abhimanyu's condition. She looked at her sister with tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat. "He's critical, and not responding properly to the medicines. We can't say anything for sure right now, we're just hoping he regains consciousness soon." Everyone's heart had dropped. Would this be a repeat of six years ago? Would they lose yet another person?

A few hours went by, with minimal change. At this time, Akshara thought that she should take Abhir home. Her poor baccha was exhausted. She tried to pick him up to take him outside, but he denied. Saying he wouldn't leave until his DocMan woke up. When she insisted further, he ran towards Abhimanyu's room. Maybe it was time he woke up his DocMan on his own!

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