Volume 1: Chapter 39

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Volume 1: Case 502 — The Intoxicated Frozen Corpse

Chapter 39

Yan Xuan's smile was cold and iron-blooded. With this expression, he raised his hand and hooked his index finger.

Han Xiaomei's eyes widened and her mind went blank, but unsurprisingly, death did not come.

Click, click, click, click.

Ajie pulled the trigger like a joke, then casually threw the empty gun away: "Yellow-haired girl, next time you sing The Empty City Stratagem, at least act a little more believable. If you had bullets, why would you need to break the window and climb out with your bare hands?"

"-Don't move!" He raised his voice sharply when Jiang Ting was trying to pick up the dagger.

"Do that and this girl may not be able to move anymore." Ajie didn't look back and added, "although it wasn't planned, it's not a big deal if I were to kill one more cop."

The abandoned highway stretched across the night, leading to the endless wilderness, and the inky emptiness and darkness farther on.

Jiang Ting finally slowly stood upright.

Every bone in his body, every inch of his internal organs was screaming out in severe pain, and even a slightest movement made him feel immense discomfort as if his joints were filled with cold, acidic water. Yet his posture was still very neat, from the back of the neck to the shoulders, from the butterfly bones to the lower back, and even the slender legs to the feet.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked.

Ajie kneed Han Xiaomei's in the stomach, forcing her to fall to the ground on her elbows in an unnaturally twisted position, then after looking up and estimating time in his mind, said: "It's almost time for the person who's supposed to pick me up to come."

Han Xiaomei forced back her tears, but still couldn't restrain painful spasms.

"Hu Weisheng is dead, and the bag of "blue gold" that went missing has been destroyed. Your police have done us a huge favor by solving the case so neatly this time. I guess the boss will be happy when he gets back, but I can make him even happier." Ajie paused, turned back to Jiang Ting and smiled maliciously: "if I can bring him something he wants more."

Behind him, at the far end of the highway, there was a faint flash of car lights that resembled a star.

Jiang Ting said, "Fine."

He agreed easily to the surprise of Ajie.

"But let her go first." Jiang Ting continued, "If this policewoman dies, I'll make sure that you won't have a good life for the next few years. Or simply you won't have the next few years to live."

Judging from Ajie's reaction, he probably didn't take his threat seriously. Han Xiaomei already felt half dead from the moment he had put a gun to her forehead: "I advise you to start now."

Jiang Ting said, "I don't think it's easy to live but it's not difficult to drag someone to hell with you. How about I try?"

Ajie's demeanor finally changed, as if he was weighing how serious he was being. After some thought he shrugged his shoulders and got up to release Han Xiaomei.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Ting half-kneeled at Han Xiaomei's side and asked her in a low voice

"Consultant Lu. "

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