Chapter 41

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I woke up to the unpleasant sound of my alarm going off, Spencer stirring as well as we both slowly woke up. I reached over to the bedside table, silencing the alarm and falling back into his grip as he hugged me tightly. We stayed in bed a little longer before finally getting up and getting ready. As he finished brushing his teeth and I finished my makeup, he turned to me and as a force of habit stated he was going to make our coffees. He paused, right after the words left his mouth and quickly said "nevermind".

"Spence, it's okay. Enjoy my cup for me?" I smiled at him before he left the bathroom. "Can you fill my usual travel mug with herbal tea? I don't want anyone to know yet... it's too early and all of you profilers don't understand minding your business so I have to stick to routine".

"It's what we do, we can't help it" he smiled at me, leaning in for a quick kiss before he wandered into the kitchen. I picked out an outfit and finished getting ready for the day, packing up everything I needed for the office. Spencer met me at the front door with his re-loaded go bag and paused looking me up and down.

"You okay?" he started to look concerned.

"Yeah– I just– I need a minute" I said before I felt it and quickly ran to the bathroom. The nausea was back and came from nowhere. I heard Spencer coming up behind me as I threw up again. I felt his hand on my back and his other taking my hair for me.

"Nausea and morning sickness is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms in the first few months. It's caused by the effects of the human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG hormone, that is produced by the placenta. There's a lot of home remedies that can help ease the symptoms; I put some fresh gingerroot in your tea this morning as a just in case" he said as he rubbed my back.

"Spencer, I love you a lot but you telling me why I'm throwing up just makes me more naus–" I was cut off by another wave of vomiting.

"Right, sorry. Let me get you a cold cloth" he said as he stood and wet a face cloth, sitting beside me and running it across my forehead. After a few minutes of sitting on the cold floor, I was feeling better. I left the bathroom and found him in the kitchen, cutting up gingerroot into small pieces.

"Here, try chewing this. It's completely safe for the baby and can help alleviate nausea" he handed me a small piece and I took it before wandering to the door to go.

"Thanks for being my boy genius" I smiled at him as he grabbed both of our bags and the car keys.

"At your service, my beautiful lady" he smiled and bowed, causing me to laugh as we walked out the door.

The BAU was staying on the ground today and finishing the paperwork from their case yesterday, whereas victim services were pulled in every direction. Sawyer directed me and my counterpart Elaine off to a local police station to respond to a string of sexual assaults; we were to assist in the interviews. Sawyer and two other workers were doing shelter visits as follow-up from the shooting, making sure the clients were still fully supported and getting the access to services they needed, and my office neighbours Liam and Sophia were running seminars on interviewing techniques at the field office for new agents. Spencer requested I text him every few hours to let him know how I'm doing, and told Elaine to have me back no later than 6pm. He gave me a quick kiss goodbye and sent us off, Elaine hopping in the driver's seat of one of our SUVs and pulling out of the parking garage.

"So I heard the rumours but now I know it's true. Damn girl, how'd you manage to wrap the genius around your finger?" She smirked as we drove.

"Listen, just don't say anything to Sawyer... I love getting to go out on cases with the BAU but if Sawyer finds out I'll never get sent out with them again" I pleaded to her and she held out her right hand with a pinky sticking up. Yes, eventually I would have to tell Sawyer seeing as I would need to file for maternity leave, but that was a later problem.

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