Chapter 18*

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The knock on my door stirred the butterflies in my stomach, and I got nervous all over again just wondering what Spencer's response would be to my letter. I opened the door to see him in a dress shirt, the sleeves cuffed the way that drives me crazy in the best way possible, his curls lightly framing his face, and he was holding a bouquet of red and white roses.

"Spence, you didn't have to bri-" he cuts me off by pulling me into him by the waist, pressing his lips into mine and causing my heart to skip a beat as our bodies moved together with the intensifying passion of the kiss growing.

"You look beautiful. God you're the most beautiful woman in the world" he kisses me again, I could feel the heat growing between us as I became even more aroused.

"I missed you" I whisper between kisses, closing the door with my back and keeping my body against his. He put the flowers on my dresser beside the door, and picked me up, pushing me up against the wall and kissing me harder, starting to kiss down my neck and collarbone.

"Fuck, Spence" I moaned as he suckled on my skin, leaving those lilac reminders of his kiss on me. My lace panties started to feel wet as I wrapped my legs around his hips harder and began playing with his hair, I could feel him harden the more we melded together against the wall. He put me down but he made me so weak I stumbled to catch my balance; he pulled me into a hug and steadied me.

"You didn't have to bring flowers, that was so thoughtful of you. Please, come in" I pick up the flowers and lead him toward the kitchen so I can put them in some water.

"I wasn't really sure what to expect your apartment to look like... I love it. It's so... you" he says while scanning the kitchen and living room. He wanders into the living room while I finish putting the flowers on the table, checking on the chicken in the oven before I go to meet him. He admires the titles on my bookshelf the way I knew he would, and I sit on the couch watching him memorize every inch of my home before he turns to look at me on the couch. I reach out my hand for his and he takes it, sitting right next to me as I lean in and kiss him, lightly biting his lower lip before parting to meet his gorgeous hazel eyes with mine.

"I've been rereading your letter over and over in my head all day" he says quietly while interlocking his fingers with mine.

"Must have been easy for you, given the memory and all" I tease as he gives me another quick kiss.

"I need to ask you something before we go any further" he says while I feel his body tensing up a bit. Fuck, what did I say or do? Is he questioning this now, did I do something wrong? He notices the insecurity creep into my eyes, and he squeezes my hand signifying to me that everything was okay.

"I noticed something when I was reading your letter. There were markings from a previous letter you'd written on the sheet before, but the indentation that stood out the most was 'I'm terrified of those senses becoming a stranger', and I let curiosity get the better of me. I etched over the note and..." he trails off, trying to find the words to say, that's when it hits me. I wrote that fucking journal piece about being scared he didn't feel the same way on the page before I used the notebook to write my response to his letter. Shit. He sees the fear in my eyes again and he kisses me, hard.

"You, not enough for me? Charlotte, you're more than I ever could have dreamed of. You're the most perfect, caring, smart, incredible woman... I'm the one who isn't enough for you" he says softly.

"No, Spencer... I... you're everything to me. I want you more than words can say, and not just now, but from here on out" I was almost shaking from fear that this would be too forward to say to him.

"Charlotte, I want you — today, tomorrow, forever. Nothing will change that. I hope you know that" he kisses me again, and I rest my forehead against his.

"I do. I'm sorry, sometimes I still struggle with my own anxieties and insecurity. This, us, you... it all just felt too good to be true" I whisper to him, his left hand in my waist and his right cradling my cheek.

"I swear to you, it's the truest thing I've ever known" he whispers back as he kisses me again.

"I don't want to mess this moment up, but you must be starving. Have you eaten anything since you landed?" I ask as he chuckles and we lean back to look each other in the eyes.

"We have time for endless moments now, you could never mess anything up. But no, I haven't eaten anything that wasn't from a vending machine in about 8 hours" we laugh together as I take his hand and lead him into the kitchen with me. 

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