Chapter 28

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I woke up to the sun streaming through the slits in the curtains of his bedroom, wrapped in his blankets and wearing his shirt. I took a deep breath, smelling his scent from the blankets of his bed. Slowly I looked around, realizing that Spencer wasn't in the bed with me. The bedroom door was cracked open, and I could hear noises from the kitchen that were accompanied by the smell of fresh coffee. I smiled as I rolled out of bed, quickly popping into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair before I delicately crossed the bedroom and opened the door to see Spencer in the kitchen making us breakfast. I walked over, trying to stay as quiet as possible so he wouldn't hear me. Wrapping my arms around his torso, hugging him from behind and kissing his back, I felt him startle at first but then quickly melt into my touch. He put down the fruit he was washing and turned to kiss me.

"Good morning, beautiful" his voice was deep and raspy, my god it was hot.

"Good morning, handsome" I said back, moving to my tip toes to kiss him again. He scooped me up, spun me around and then sat me on the counter, the cool granite quickly countering the warmth of the bed I came from.

"Breakfast is almost ready, and I just finished making your coffee" he said as he grabbed the mug and brought it over.

"Mmm you remembered how I take my coffee" I said as I took a sip before realizing the dumbfounded stare he was giving me. "Right, eidetic memory, sorry" I laughed as he returned a smirk before he turned back around to finish washing and cutting the fruit.

"Spence this all looks and smells amazing, you didn't have to do all of this though". He turned, bringing two plates to the table, carefully setting them down before turning to look at me.

"You deserve to be treated like the queen you are. Now, come join me for breakfast" he held his hand out and I obliged.

From the egg white, red pepper and feta omelet, to the fruit salad, and the fresh pour-over coffee, he really did outdo himself. We chatted about different things we could do on our day off, ultimately deciding that a quiet day in would be nice. After breakfast, we moved over to the couch while he told me about some of his favourite books on his shelf, showing me books that were older than both of us combined. Spencer had this tendency to talk with his hands a lot more when he was excited about something, and his eyes lit up like a little kid's on Christmas morning. I could watch him talk for hours and never be bored, regardless of the topic.

"Will you read me one of your favourites?" I asked him, and he smiled the biggest, most excited smile I've ever seen. He hurriedly ran his fingers along the shelf, picking up The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury. He sat next to me and I cuddled up against him, feeling his body heat transfer with mine, and hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. He told me all the reasons why he loved the book, and then started to read to me. This was the slowest I'd ever seen him read, considering he was reading to me as opposed to absorbing books the way he usually does. My mind wandered as his voice calmed my soul, and I couldn't help but fantasize about a life with Spencer. What our house would look like, if we would have pets or kids, what we would fill our evenings with, and living out our lives in each others' arms.

Being startled out of my daydreaming by Spencer's cell phone, I groaned in disappointment as I knew what was about to happen.

"Hotch, how are you?" He answered, looking over at me as his face sunk a little. Even on "days off" Spencer always seemed to be called in. But ultimately he was making the world a better place one case at a time, and I understood why he needed to pick up and go so frequently.

"Yes sir, I'll be there in half an hour" he said as he hung up the phone.

"Why can't the killers and psychopaths take a day off?" I mumbled as I buried my face into the crook of his neck while he hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry love. The case is only an hour away so we don't have to go far this time. And I have a feeling that you might want to find your phone too" he smirked. Sure enough, my phone started to ring and I saw Sawyer's name pop up.

"Kid, I don't know what you're doing right over with the BAU but they're calling you in again. Get to the office in half an hour. Oh and one more thing; you better not start looking for jobs with Hotch's unit" he teased as he hung up.

Quickly Spencer and I gathered our things, and we decided we had enough time to swing by my apartment so I could grab my bags. Spencer drove, and now that the team knew we were a thing he didn't mind getting to work in the same vehicle. In the car Spencer continued to talk about the book he was reading me, talking about the different parallels that the author draws, his face still full of excitement. At the red light, he turned to make eye contact with me, and despite being completely submersed in his passion he quickly said "sorry I'm rambling".

"You know that I would listen to you talk about quite literally anything and I'd still be sad when you ran out of things to say?" I asked him, and he gave me an innocent smile. "Every time you get passionate about something you cut yourself off, apologizing. Why is that?" I asked, my hand finding his one hand that wasn't on the steering wheel.

"The team always gets annoyed when I ramble. I guess I just learned that it's preferred when I'm quiet" he said softly, with a dull pain in his voice.

"I'm sorry that people have made you feel that way. I want you to know that you never have to apologize for sharing your thoughts with me. I actively want to hear what's going on in that pretty little mind of yours" I smiled and he smiled back.

We didn't say much for the rest of the ride, and when we got into the offices we quickly made our way to the files on the roundtable, keeping my eyes glued to the work and trying not to notice the smirks and glances from the team. Hotch walked in the door, nodded to me to acknowledge my assistance in the case, and opened the prepared files.

"Two young women have been abducted, stabbed, and left in ditches. We've been called in because these two cases happened in two states, one an hour away, and the other in North Carolina. Same M/O and signature, meaning this unsub crossed state lines and ultimately gave us jurisdiction. In the cars and leaving in 20".

Right on cue the whole team picked up their things and started to head out of the room to get ready for departure. I stayed still, scared to even breathe as I stared at the file in front of me, a sense of panic rushing over as I examined a scene almost identical to my sister's murder. Spencer looked over as he stood up, and quickly realized something was wrong. I felt my eyes starting to sting with tears, and all I could think was that I needed to get out of here. I looked at Spencer, stood up, and without saying anything, I ran out of the room. 

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