Chapter 7

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The hotel was on the smaller side, made of four floors and about 40 rooms. The third floor where the BAU was put up was completely booked, but there was an open room on the second floor in the corner. I was just putting my packed blouse and pants into the closet of my room when I heard my phone ding.

Spencer: just wanted to see if you were able to get a room?

Me: Yes, luckily they had one available on the second floor. How are you doing?

Spencer: That's good! Uhm honestly I'm okay, just don't feel like being alone with my thoughts...

Me: If it isn't too forward, and if you're up for it, we could order in and find a movie to occupy time.

Spencer: I'd actually love that, as long as it's not an imposition.

Me: not in the slightest. Room 210, come whenever you're ready :)

Within two minutes there was a soft knocking at my door, barely enough time to have cleaned up and look a little less dishevelled after being out in the field. I quickly put myself together, undoing one more button on my blouse to be a little less work-professional and more relaxed. I open the door to find him leaning on the door frame, hands in his pockets, hair lightly swept to the right of his face which just highlighted the sharpness of his jawline the way marble-carved statues frame the beauty of the face. His dress shirt looks more relaxed with the sleeves double-cuffed to just below the elbow, and his top two buttons undone revealing a tight-fitting white tee underneath.

"Long time, no see. Please, come in" I invite him through the door as we head towards the small table and chairs in the corner by the window, my laptop sitting on the tabletop already opened to skip the dishes.

"You're sure you don't mind me taking up your evening? Cause I can easily find something to keep me busy besides the case and I'm sure tha-"

"Spencer, please." I scoff as we sit across one another at the table. "It's quite an honour getting to spend time with THE Dr. Reid. You're truly quite captivating" The words escape my mouth a little before I could stop them, and I feel my cheeks growing brighter. I hope he doesn't notice this.

"You're quite fascinating yourself, Charlotte. And again, about earlier, I hope it doesn't taint your impression of me or leave you shying away from..." he trails off as though he expects me to cut him off, but instead I let him find the words he wants to say. "I don't want you to think I'm incapable of doing this job, this hasn't really happened before and it caught me off guard, I guess I just..." I could see his breathing starting to pick up speed again. It was evident he hasn't discussed these experiences much and this was a point of stress for him. I reach my hand across the table, offering it to him for comfort. He looks at my hand, up at me, back down to my hand, and reaches back. The touch of his skin sent electricity through mine, as though our bodies yearned to touch each other.

"Hey" I said quietly, causing his soft eyes to look up and meet mine. "It's okay. I wouldn't ever think less of you because of your own battles. We all have them, and it isn't always possible to walk through them alone" I see his eyes fall towards my outstretched arm and out intertwined hands, and I notice his gaze linger over the now visible scar running down my forearm towards my wrist. He looks back into my eyes and squeezes my hand ever so slightly.

"You said earlier in the car you wanted to know my story. Is that still the case?" he asks me quietly.

"If you want to share, I'd love to listen"

"Let's order dinner and while we wait... I want to let you in, I want to let you know me". He says as he releases my hand and pulls the laptop over, moving his chair closer to mine. Something about the gentle and nervous tone in his voice made me melt, and all I could think of was how deeply I wanted to know all of him; every inch, every thought, everything.

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