Chapter 54

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Garcia had put together the most beautiful backyard wedding one could ever dream of, and we only gave her 24 hours notice. Spencer had flown his mom and her nurse out to be at the wedding, and the girls had spent all morning with Athena and I getting ready. Spencer was at Derek's with his mom and the guys, and Hotch had gotten ordained so he could marry us. Before I knew it, the time was here; I stood inside Rossi's kitchen, sneaking a look at the small gathering outside, it all looked like a dream.

"Ready mama?" Penelope's voice came from behind me, and I turned around to see her handing me my bouquet.

"I've been ready for this since I met him... I just didn't know it at the time" I took the bouquet and smiled at her, and she touched the earpiece in her ear to give Derek and Hotch the signal it was go time.

With Athena in Emily's arms and JJ arranging the groomsmen into a line, Spencer and Diana appeared and walked down the aisle. I watched from the window, savouring the sight of him and his mom together on such a joyous moment. Spence was always incredibly handsome, regardless of time of day or what he was wearing... but as he took his place at the altar I felt tears pricking my eyes. Prentiss and Athena went next, scattering flower petals down the aisle and making their way to the front, followed by JJ and Will, and then Garcia and Morgan.

"Ready kiddo?" Rossi offered me his arm and I linked mine with his. My dad, despite having lingering love for him, was not someone I wanted in this new and happy part of my life. So Rossi offered to be my stand in dad for the day, walking me down the aisle.

As I got closer to Spencer with each step, the world faded away a bit more each stride. It was just our little family, and I couldn't be happier. Tears formed in his eyes as he watched me approach, and as Rossi handed me to Spence, I could almost see his heart thumping against his chest.

"Well this is a rare privilege" Hotch opened the ceremony as everyone sat down. "Rarely in life, do you get to experience something as beautiful and sacred as these two have. I've known Reid since he was 22, and I've seen his triumphs and pitfalls, but never have I seen him as happy as he has been ever since Charlotte came into his world. Charlotte, trusting you with our boy genius is the easiest agreement the BAU has ever come to. So why don't I stop talking and hand it to you two?" Hotch smiled at us and Spencer took my hands in his.

"Char, my whole life I have been grounded through science, mathematics, and the quantifiable. I found comfort in being able to make sense of the world through the answers that these things provided. I've never liked change, and I've always struggled with the unknown, but what we have is something that is unquantifiable... and I would love every mistake, hardship, and tribulation over and over again if it meant I would be with you. You came into my life and flipped it upside down, you taught me how to have fun, how to laugh, how to navigate hardship and change without the misery I had gotten so comfortable with, and you made me a better man. You showed me that love can exist in the most imperfect, lost, and broken people who through time ultimately fill the missing pieces of each other. It hasn't always been easy; our jobs make it impossible to ignore the dark parts of the world, but you are my torch. Even though I'm unsure about a lot of things in life, I am certain that I love you, Athena, and the life we are building together... today, tomorrow, and until the universe implodes. You are the answer I didn't know I was seeking, and I will spend the rest of my days loving you with all that I am and all that I have. I take you, Charlotte Hillburg, in all we will face together, triumph and tribulation, happy and sad, for the rest of time."

Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he stared deep into mine, holding my hands in his while his thumb rubbed circles over the back of my hand, as he recited his vows. As a stray tear fell from my eye and my smile got wider, I squeezed his hands and took a deep breath.

"Spence, I have spent the greater part of my life feeling untethered, lost, and as though I was searching for something I believed I was never going to find. I came to learn that this feeling was my heart trying to return home, and it was you who showed me that home is more than just a place. I've never felt more safe or loved than when I'm in your arms. I've never known what it feels like to be cared for so deeply until you taught me. You saw the broken pieces of my soul and loved each and every one just the way it is, and then you helped me turn that brokenness into a beautiful mosaic. You are everything I've ever dreamed of, and everything I've ever waited for. So long as there are stars in the sky, and gravitational pull, I will be yours. I love you without knowing why, as if for every reason I give there would only be a hundred more remaining a mystery; but I don't need to know why so long as I know this: you are my one and only, and you are the only one who has the answer to my soul. Spencer Reid, you are my forever, and I will spend every second of my life loving you... for loving you is instinctive to me".

We had exchanged rings and when Hotch asked if there were any objections, Spence and his line of groomsmen, alongside all of my bridesmaids, flashed their guns ever so discreetly, causing a good laugh from myself and the small audience. Hotch pronounced us husband and wife, and he kissed me the way he kissed me for the first time; softly at first, then harder and more passionately, like he had been starved of what my lips provided. The small crowd and wedding party erupted in cheers.

Reid's vows would forever be written on my heart and mind, these moments from today were memories I would treasure for the rest of time, and the ceremony was so incredibly beautiful. Rossi, as per usual, had made a beautiful and incredible dinner for the reception, and to this day I have never found a crew better at dancing than the BAU. Even Spence and Athena got into it, and with each passing song the night slipped away into a perfect memory.

"Mrs. Reid, may I?" I turned to see Spencer with his hand outstretched to me. I placed my hand in his as he led me to the middle of the dance floor, pulling me tightly against him with one hand around my waist and the other holding my hand beside our chests. I held him tightly with my arm slung around his shoulder and neck, swaying gently with him.

"Thank you, Spence" I whispered into his ear.

"What are you thanking me for?" He said softly, confused at the statement.

"For reminding me that I can be happy. For making me feel alive again. For giving me the most beautiful life. Once I lost my sister and mom, I felt like I would never have these things again. I never wanted to be saved, nor did I think I needed saving... but when I met you, I realized that I just wanted to be found. You tethered me back down to life and all of its possibilities. And I don't know if you realize just what you did for me when you offered your friendship to me not just on that first case, but for life" I looked into his eyes, glistening under the light as he took in every word I said. I could see him searching for what to say, and while he thought I pulled him into a kiss.

"You are my universe, Char. I don't think I would ever know what true happiness felt like had it not been for you. Thank you for giving me the world, and for having me in yours for life" he said softly, quietly, slowly... as though these words between us in this moment were more sacred than the air we breathe. 

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