Chapter Twenty

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Everything that had happened in that alley and the hours after felt like a complete blur to Y/N, as if they hadn't really even been there. What did feel real though was the blood soaking their clothes and stained their hands and face. It both repulsed them and excited them the sight of the blood. Part of them, a large part of them craved more, the part of them that was still fighting to be who they were wanted to wash it away to remove any trace of it from them. 

Katherine had removed the wooden splinters, each one more painful that the last to dig out, but as soon as they were removed Y/N's body healed itself within seconds. Mentally though, Y/N wasn't sure if there was anything that could heal them mentally from all that had happened. They hadn't even put up a fight when Katherine had bundled them into the back of an SUV, they just couldn't bring themself to care about where they were going. 

A small part of them hoped that perhaps Katherine had got bored of her games and was just going to take them somewhere to kill them. At least that would put an end to all of this mess, it would stop the crippling guilt and despair they felt. Though Y/N knew that Katherine was probably barely done with tormenting them. 

It could have been hours or minutes that Katherine had been driving,  Y/N wasn't sure, they had just stared out the tinted windows watching everything rush past but taking none of it in properly. The SUV eventually came to a stop and Katherine finally turned to look round at where Y/N was sitting in the back. 

"Well that night didn't go exactly how I imagined it would. I really didn't think your two lovers would give up on you so easily" Katherine said with a slight smirk before she got out of the car. 

Y/N snapped. 

They slammed the SUV door open with so much force it came clean off its hinges, and then they were rushing toward Katherine. Crashing into her, Y/N used their new found supernatural speed and strength to land a solid series of punches in to Katherine's ribs just before they both collided with the ground. 

Y/N went to throw another punch, having managed to twist to land on top of Katherine, but Katherine wasn't going to let them get another hit it. Her hand shot up and grabbed Y/N's fist, wrenching it with bone cracking force to the side. 

Katherine shoved Y/N with brutal force, sending them flying off her and skidding along the gravel pathway. 

"Have you got it out your system? Or do I need to snap your other arm?" Katherine snarled at Y/N as she prowled toward her, "You know if you can't keep your emotions in check, if you want to stop all that noise in your head, then there is a way. You can just switch it off now Y/N, another perk of being what we are." 

Y/N cradled ther broken arm with their other, they looked up at Katherine from where they had landed on the ground. 

"Just think about it Y/N, you switch it all off and it all goes away. You'll be free, free to just be what you are. Doesn't that sound better than drowning in all that despair and regret?" Katherine moved now to kneel down in front of Y/N, reaching out to touch their face. 

"Turn it off Y/N" Katherines eyes met theirs, "Turn it off." 

Y/N wanted to fight it, to argue with Katherine, but they found themself unable to disagree, instead they did exactly as Katherine told them. They turned it off, they turned off their humanity. 

"Hmm appears the sire bond really is strong" Katherine said with a smile as she saw Y/N's eyes react to the compulsion. 

All the emotions that had been raging inside of Y/N just faded away, replaced with a sudden stillness, a coldness seeping through them. It was a relief, they could finally think clearly, all the noise that had been in their head before was silent. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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