Chapter Two

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Arguing with Wanda hadn't really been an option, as much as Y/N had wanted to tell the red haired witch to leave them alone, they really weren't in a shape to get themselves back to their loft without some assistance. 

So Y/N had begrudgingly told Wanda the address and watched as she summoned another portal with her magic that opened straight up into the living area of the loft apartment. Y/N winced as they staggered through it, ignoring the arm Wanda offered them to help. 

Wanda frowned deeply as she followed behind Y/N, who it appeared was as stubborn as they had ever been, refusing to accept any help. As soon as they were both through the portal, Wanda closed it, not wanting to give anyone the chance to follow them through. 

Looking around the loft, Wanda arched a brow slightly as she saw the various liquor bottles scattered around the place. What was worse than that though was seeing the discarded pill bottles, from the quick glance she got of them, Wanda was certain they were prescription grade pain killers. Which meant Y/N wasn't just using alcohol to numb their pain. 

Wanda hadn't expected to find Y/N in a great place, but actually seeing them now, the haunted look on their face and the alcohol and drugs in the loft, she was concerned that Y/N was perhaps too far down a destructive path to be willing to change now. 

"You should be going to a hospital Y/N" Wanda pulled her attention from looking around the loft, instead looking to where Y/N was. 

Y/N had grabbed a medical kit from the kitchen and was now spreading it out across the coffee table. Blood was seeping through their clothes, dripping onto the floor as they moved. 

"No" Y/N shook their head, "I just need you to help stitch up the wounds. I'll be fine." 

Wanda's eyes widened slightly. 

"Y/N I'm not a medically trained person, I can't just stitch up gunshot wounds" Wanda argued as Y/N stripped off their shirt. 

Wanda's next sentence faltered as she saw all the scars on Y/N's body, there were more than she could count. The worst of them though, were the three thick scars that ran diagonally across Y/N's back. 

"Reminders of my stay with Antonia, Bucky gave them to me" Y/N answered the question in Wanda's eyes as they caught her looking at the scars, "Stitches are easy, just pinch the skin together, put the needle and thread through, repeat. If we could hurry it up though so I stop dripping blood on this rug that would be great." 

Wanda walked over and moved to sit on the couch as Y/N sat on the floor facing away from her, giving Wanda a clear view of the first wound through their shoulder. Y/N grabbed a bottle of vodka from near the table, they first drank some before pouring it onto a cloth and pressing it to the wound, hissing slightly at the pain. 

"Give it to me" Wanda said firmly, taking the cloth from Y/N. 

Carefully, Wanda cleaned around the wound, trying to ignore just how much blood was there. Satisfied it was a clean as it was going to get with vodka, Wanda gestured for Y/N to pass the suture kit to her. As much as she was a massive fan of Grey's Anatomy, Wanda wasn't sure it actually qualified her for this, but with Y/N refusing to go to a hospital there wasn't another choice. 

It also meant that whilst Wanda was of some use to them, Y/N wasn't try to force them out of the apartment. Wanda slipped on the gloves that came with the kit and then threaded the needle. 

"Don't move" Wanda warned Y/N as she moved slightly to get a better view before starting. 

Wanda noted that Y/N didn't so much a flinch as the needle went through their skin. A sad moment that made Wanda realise just how use to physical pain being inflicted on them that Y/N was. 

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