Chapter Three

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Nat didn't know the exact amount of time that had passed since she had been taken, but from her best guess it had to have been at least a couple of months by now. Months that had seen her beaten, both mentally and physically by Red Room trainers. There aim was simple, to break Nat back into a widow, a widow that could be controlled by Antonia just like the other women trapped by the Red Room. 

All of this was meant to have ended, Nat had done everything to take out Dreykov and his people, to stop the exploitation of the women forced into the Red Room. She had saved so many, including her little sister, only to have Dreykov's daughter pick up the pieces and re-create the Red Room. 

She never thought anyone could be as twisted as Dreykov was in his control of the Red Room, but Antonia was on a completely new level. The daughter of Dreykov not only wanted the power the Red Room granted her, but to also use it to seek revenge against those she believed had wronged her and her father. 

Nat looked around the cell she was being held in, it was probably the sixth cell she had been moved to since she had been taken. It seemed like Antonia was paranoid, never wanting to remain in one place too long, clearly she wanted to ensure that the Avengers wouldn't have a chance to figure out where she was. Even if they did, they would likely turn up too late and Antonia would have had everything moved again. 

The faint click of the locks on the door turning had Nat looking up from where she sat on the floor. When she saw who stood on the other side of the door when it opened, Nat cursed in Russian. 

Bucky stepped into the cell, he watched Nat carefully. The last time he had entered the same room as her, she had landed a strike to his face that had left him with split lip and bruised eye. Now precautions had been taken and Nat was always kept in restraints, only removed if it was really required. When they were, there would be at least twenty guards and some widows near by to ensure Nat didn't even think about trying anything. 

"I've been sent to make sure you're prepared to be moved" Bucky said as he gestured for two guards to enter and check the restraints on Nat's wrists, before adding a set to her ankles. 

"One day you will pay for this Bucky" Nat said simply as she looked at him, anger burning in her eyes. 

"Not really much of a threat when it's coming from the person chained up" Bucky replied with a shrug, "I'll never understand why you couldn't see what a shit choice they were for you. I tried Nat, I tried to get you to see sense but you just refused. You're here because of your own mistakes and well Y/N hasn't shown up to rescue you have they? Guess that just proves that they're only interested in looking after themselves. That or they're a coward." 

"Don't you dare say their damn name!" Nat snapped, "You're the coward Bucky, it's pathetic that your fragile male ego couldn't handle me not wanting you! Y/N is a hundred times the person you will ever be." 

Bucky sneered at Nat, amused at how much she was still holding onto the hope Y/N was going to come for her. Little did she know just how far Y/N had fallen, Bucky was tempted to tell her but decided to save that crushing information for another time. He had been told by Antonia just how effective the nerve agent had been on scrambling Y/N's mind into believing that Nat had died. So much so that Y/N was on a self destructive spiral and would likely eliminate themselves as a problem at the rate they were going. 

"Take her to the transport" Was all Bucky said before turning and walking away. 

Nat didn't bother struggling as she was grabbed by the guards. 

'I will come back to you Y/N, please hold on' Nat thought to herself. 


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