Chapter Five

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Wanda sunk down to sit in the bath as the shower ran, the water falling onto her, the drops of water mixed with the tears that ran down her cheeks. What on earth had she been thinking? How could she have betrayed Nat like this? 

Everything was such a mess. 

The whole point of finding Y/N was to get them to pull their act together, for them to help find Nat and bring her home. What had just happened, that had never been part of the plan. Things had just spiralled out of control, these last few months had been the worst. Between losing Nat and the breakdown of her relationship with Yelena, Wanda had been trying her best to hold the pieces together. 

That had all slipped away, the control she'd had on her emotions, when Y/N had closed the space between them and their lips had brushed against her skin. Reckless, so damn reckless, that was what it was, to have let herself be alone with Y/N like this. 

Wanda stayed in the shower for some time before realising that she couldn't hide away forever, and she knew that leaving Y/N to their own devices for too long would probably result in them doing something stupid as well. 

After locating some fresh clothes and drying her hair, Wanda took a deep breath. Thankfully when she had stepped out of the bathroom, the bedroom had been empty, Y/N having vacated it. The other relief was still being able to sense Y/N's mind, they hadn't attempted to leave it would seem. 

Wanda walked into the living area of the cabin and immediately noticed the open front door. A frown creased her features and she wondered if Y/N had somehow tricked her into thinking they were still here. A few seconds passed and then Y/N appeared in the doorway, their arms filled with chopped logs. 

Y/N didn't say anything, didn't even bother to look at Wanda as they crossed over to where the fireplace was on the other side of the room. Throwing the logs in, they summoned a small ball of fire in the palm of their hand and then launched it at the logs. They stood their for a moment watching the flames wrap around the logs and grow bigger. 

They'd needed to take out some of their anger at the way Wanda had reacted, and had located the axe and log pile just a little way from the porch of the cabin. This has been after they'd attempted to storm away from the cabin, only to find that Wanda had cast a solid wall of magic all the way around the cabin, that they were unable to pass through. 

As they'd attacked the logs with the axe, Y/N had thought about what happened between them and Wanda earlier. They felt guilt of course, not that they would show it, but Y/N also couldn't shake the undeniable connection they had felt with Wanda as well. There had always been what felt like a forced distance between them, as if they were both subconsciously aware that being too close to one another would result in them being irrevocably drawn into each other's emotional orbit. 

"The silent treatment... really?" Wanda finally spoke, watching as Y/N moved away from the fireplace and sat on one of the worn leather couches. 

Y/N raised their head slightly, their eyes fixing on Wanda, a hardened look on their face. 

"Do you even care about Natasha? About finding her?!" Wanda asked, unphased by the way Y/N was looking at her, "Or do you give more of a shit about drinking yourself into oblivion and taking drugs?!" 

Y/N snarled at the accusations. 

"You really want to try and take the high ground right now Wanda? To act like you have never done anything wrong before?" Y/N snapped back. 

"Of course I have done things wrong, but when it comes to the people I love, I don't just give up on them when it gets too hard!" Wanda raised her voice now. 

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