Chapter Four

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Y/N groaned slightly as they came too, it felt like they had been hit by a damn truck. As their memories came flooding back they sat bolt upright, flames wrapped around their fists incase someone tried to attack them. 

They looked around, their dark eyes taking in the fact that the place they had woken up was definitely not their loft apartment in the city. A frown creased Y/N's features as they realised it was the cabin, a place the Avengers had previously kept them before they'd seen how much they had messed up by taking Bucky's side. 

Sensing someone was watching them, Y/N turned on the couch they were sitting on and found Wanda Maximoff standing in the kitchen area of the cabin. Her arms were folded and she had her usual unimpressed look, that Y/N swore she reserved just for them on her face. 

Y/N's jaw twitched with irritation. After having told Wanda to leave them the damn hell alone, it appeared the red haired witch had done the complete opposite of that. It seemed like the Avengers, especially Maximoff just couldn't help but get involved in their business. 

"Why do you keep on turning up? Are you stalking me now?!" Y/N's tempter sparked as they stood up from the couch.

"You know instead of acting like a total arse you could just say thank you for once, it wouldn't kill you" Wanda snapped back at them.

"Thank you for what exactly? The way I see it, you're the damn common link each time I get attacked! You're always right there!" Y/N raised their voice as they stalked toward where Wanda was standing.

"Really! You think I have something to do with it?! Honestly all that alcohol you've been drinking and the drugs have truly scrambled your brain Y/N! I am trying to help you, why is that so hard for you to accept?!" Wanda's eyes flashed red with anger as she shouted at Y/N.

Moving across the cabin, Y/N walked toward Wanda. They let their flames flicker in retaliation to the flash of red in Wanda's eyes. If Wanda honestly thought she could intimidate them with her powers, she was going to be disappointed. 

"Why do you want to help me so damn badly?" Y/N demanded looking at Wanda.  

"Is it really so hard for you to accept that I am trying to be a friend? A friend who is trying to protect your sorry arse from getting killed. Everyone else might think you're a lost cause but I know that beneath all the mistakes you keep making and the crappy arse attittude there is a good person" Wanda explained to Y/N, wishing that they would see some sense for once. 

Y/N continued walking toward Wanda as she spoke. With a couple more steps they slowly backed Wanda up against the wall, a devilish glint in their eyes. There was barely a breath of space between them now as Y/N put a hand against the wall. 

It was clear Wanda was trying to have some kind of intervention and Y/N didn't care for it at all. So if Wanda wanted to play mind games, then Y/N was going to turn it right back on her.

"Little widow isn't following you around like a puppy anymore. Normally anywhere you were, Yelena wouldn't be far behind. But it's twice I've seen you now and blondie is nowhere to be seen. So who broke whose heart?" Y/N asked a dark smirk dancing across their lips.

"Is that really why you wanted to find me so badly Wanda? Finally wanted to take me up on my offer of satisfying you? Do you want me to beg, or is it being made to beg that's your kink? You'll have to remind me."

Wanda lifted her eyes to meet Y/N's, this was always going to be dangerous game to play and at first she had been convinced she was the one who was in control but no she wondered if she had underestimated Y/N and their skillset.

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