Chapter Seventeen

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Y/N came to a stop in front of the long driveway that had been hidden near the edge of the woods. They weren't sure how they had found it or why they felt drawn to the large house that was situated at the end of it, but here they were.

Their mind was a complete mess, nothing made much sense and they couldn't get their emotions in any kind of order. It felt like all the dials had been turned up to a hundred and Y/N couldn't workout how to turn it back down.

Moving cautiously toward the house, Y/N kept checking around them for any kind of threats. The whole place seemed still as the sun began to slowly rise through the treeline. Y/N watched it and as it reached above the trees, the sun's rays hit Y/N.

A roar of agony ripped from Y/N's throat, it felt like someone had poured boiling water on their face, their skin burning and blistering as the sun fell on it. Instinctively their body moved rapidly, slamming against walls, rushing to find safety from the sun, they reached the front door of the house and crashed straight through it.

"Well I suppose that's one way to make an entrance my love" Katherine smirked from where she sat in a large reception area, a glass of bourbon in her hand.

Y/N winced as they pushed themself up from the floor, already feeling relief from getting away from the sun, the skin on their face was starting to heal slowly. Though now realising it was Katherine inside, Y/N was debating if being outside was the better option.

"You go out in the sun, how?" Y/N asked, remembering that when they had met Katherine she had never once reacted like that when they had been out during the daytime.

Katherine moved gracefully from the chair she had been sat in, putting her glass down on a table before making her way over to where Y/N knelt in the entrance way. She had thought it would have taken longer for Y/N to turn up here, but clearly the Avengers had failed at containing Y/N.

"I have this" Katherine gestured to the necklace that she was wearing.

Y/N looked up at the necklace and wondered if they could snatch it and get out of here.

"Mmm not worth it, it's spelled to me it would do you no good" Katherine laughed as she realised exactly what Y/N was thinking as they looked at her necklace, "But if you play nicely, maybe I can call in a favour with an old friend and get you something of your own."

"I hate you" Y/N snarled as they slowly got to their feet.

Katherine gave a slight shrug, "Hate me all you want, but you need me whether you like it or not. It doesn't look like you have anyone else lining up to help you. Though I am curious, did the witch let you feed from her? How romantic of her to come to your rescue."

"No... She gave me a blood bag" Y/N replied as they watched Katherine head back to where she had been sitting earlier.

"Well a blood bag is handy in a pinch, but I can assure you it's nowhere near as good as having it straight from the source" Katherine told them as she sat back down.

"Now my dear Y/N, I really am ever so curious as to how you landed yourself at the centre of such a cliche teenage tv show love triangle. Care to fill me in? Which one do you really want? Or maybe you're hoping that you can have the both of them?"

Y/N glared at Katherine as they helped themselves to a glass of the bourbon, they needed it.

"It's none of your damn business."

Katherine pouted, "You really are no fun at all anymore are you? Come one Y/N did you think if you spent enough time around those 'heroes' that it would make you one of them, that you could atone for the past?"

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