Chapter Six

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They reached the safehouse after an hour of driving, Maze was glad to leave the wreckage of the burnt down cabin behind. It had broken her heart finding Y/N sat amongst the devastation. She had known Y/N for a long time, and had seen them go through a long, but she had never seen her best friend look so utterly broken before. 

Wanda had given her the shortened version of what had happened and part of Maze had wanted to kick off over the fact that the damn Avengers had waited this long before bothering to contact her and Dimitri. Instead though Maze had bottled it up and simply agreed to go with Wanda. There would be plenty of time after she fixed the mess the Avengers had caused to have it out with them. 

"I'm going to go and take a shower" Y/N finally spoke as they stepped through the front door of the safe house, they hadn't been able to find any words during the drive, their mind struggling to process all that had happened. 

"No worries, I'll see about getting some food ordered" Maze smiled softly as she headed toward the direction of the kitchen. 

Y/N took the stairs two at a time and did a sweep of the upstairs rooms, they might be falling apart emotionally but that didn't stop them from remembering their training and the natural instinct to be sure there were no threats here. 

Everything was fine, the rooms were empty of anyone or anything that could pose some kind of harm. In one of the bedrooms, Y/N found there was a bag on the bed. When they unzipped it they saw it was stuffed full of some of their clothes. No doubt it was Wanda who had portaled herself back to Y/N's old apartment to get them. 

A frown creased Y/N's features at the thought of the red haired witch. Things were beyond messy when it came to that situation and Y/N wasn't sure where they now stood after the heated exchange of words following what they had done. 

"Idiot..." Y/N mumbled to themselves as they headed into the ensuite and turned the shower on. 

Stripping off their ash covered clothes, Y/N stepped under the hot water. It didn't bother them that the water was scalding hot, it wasn't as if being burnt was something they'd ever had to worry about due to their mutation. So they remained standing their letting the water wash over them, trying for just a moment to quiet the their raging mind. 


Wanda walked into the compound and knew immediately that something was going on, when she heard raised voices coming from the conference room. Making her way there, Wanda used her powers to work out who exactly was there, it appeared all the Avengers were present, along with Maria Hill and Nick Fury. 

As she opened the door and stepped inside, heads turned and conversations trailed off slightly. 

"Where have you been Wanda? We've been trying to get hold of you for hours?" Steve was the first to speak as he stood up. 

Wanda appreciated the fact that Steve was acting as if he hadn't known where she was this whole time, that she had been with Y/N. At least someone on the team had her back, though if he found out what had happened at the cabin Wanda wasn't so sure if he would feel the same way. For now though it didn't seem like it would be more important that what was happening here. 

"Sorry I had to deal with some stuff and needed to be alone for it. But I'm here now, what's going on?" Wanda replied, as she spoke she glanced to her left and saw the look on Yelena's face, she clearly could see right through the lie. 

"Maria and Fury have got some solid intel through on a location where we think that Antonia has moved to recently. They were able to get some satellite images of a convoy of vehicles, which looked a lot like the ones we've seen Antonia use before" Tony was the one who spoke this time, gesturing to the series of screens of the wall that displayed various shots of the vehicles. 

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