Chapter Eleven

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Y/N navigated through the crowded streets of the city, paying close attention to their surroundings to make sure they weren't being followed. Even with Bucky being back on ice, Antonia was still out there somewhere licking her wounds, and Y/N wasn't in the mood to be dealing with that situation just yet.

No today, they were looking for someone else. Someone who appeared to be trying not to be around, which was extremely out of character for them. Y/N checked the latest alert that flashed up on their phone, still in the same place as ten minutes ago and Y/N was less than a minute away now.

Y/N has felt slightly guilty for not telling Natalia what they were doing, but had also wanted to avoid any false hope it might have given to her if she had know. Thankfully Steve and Tony had been at the compound, the pair of them immediately fussing the moment Natalia had walked in. Which had made it easier for Y/N to leave the compound without any questions.

Turning the corner, Y/N looked across the street at the tables that were outside the coffee shop by the park. The person they were looking for was sat in the table furthest away, with their back to them. Though Y/N was sure the person would be more than aware of the fact they had found them.

Crossing the street Y/N moved through the table before finally reaching the last one. Y/N slid into the empty chair.

"What are you doing here Y/N?"

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing, Wanda" Y/N replied as they looked across the table at the red head.

Sitting there it was hard to ignore the strange sensation that rippled through their mind, as they looked at Wanda. It was strange because it felt like nothingness, like their feelings were switched off or at least suppressed somehow.

"Why aren't you answering Natalia's phone calls?" Y/N asked trying to focus on the reason they'd come to find Wanda.

Wanda frowned slightly, her eyes dropping to look down at the coffee cup in front of her. She had been trying so hard to keep her distance, after Y/N had asked her to use her magic to change things. It had hurt more than she had thought it would, watching everyone carry on as if it had never happened, with only herself knowing the truth.

"I've been busy" Wanda replied bluntly, she hoped being short with Y/N would make them leave quicker.

"I don't understand. You were hell bent on getting Natalia back, she's your best friend and now she's here, safe, and you're suddenly too busy to see her?" Y/N shook their head in disbelief.

"I do not have to explain myself to you" Wanda snapped, "We don't like each other, remember? So I don't really get why you care about what I'm doing."

Y/N snarled in irritation at Wanda's attitude toward them.

"See, remembering is actually something that I have been struggling with ever since I woke up after the explosion took me out. Every time I try to think about the last year, it's like certain points are shrouded in thick fog, I can't recall those moments no matter how hard I try" Y/N spoke quietly but there was frustration in their voice, they could immediately see from Wanda's body language that what they had said worried her.

"I'm sure if you spoke with Dr Cho she would say it's fairly normally to struggle with memory loss after suffering the level of head injury you did during the mission" Wanda replied trying to keep her voice even, she had been confident her magic had worked but Y/N's mind seemed to be trying to override it.

The spell should have cleared Y/N's mind so there wasn't anything to remember but somehow it seemed to have only covered them up, not removed them. Meaning subconsciously Y/N had become aware something was missing and was now actively trying to recall it.

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