Chapter Seven

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Sitting in the back of the quinjet, Y/N adjusted the straps on the holster on their thigh, ensuring that the firearm was secure. They then proceeded to check the various other weapons concealed within different parts of the pure black suit they were wearing. It hadn't really taken much time to decide on whether or not to join the mission, the moment Wanda had said there was a chance to save Nat, Y/N hadn't hesitated. 

Maze had been slightly more reluctant and it hadn't been lost on her at all that Wanda would have heard the answer Y/N had given to her question. Though clearly the pair of them were happy to pretend as if it hadn't happened, which Maze wasn't entirely surprised by, it seemed that the Avengers with all the powers they had, had failed to master how to talk about their feelings. 

"You don't do anything stupid okay?" Maze spoke quietly to Y/N as she sat down beside them. 

Y/N arched a brow. 

"You say that as if I have a history for making bad choices" Y/N joked with a small smirk, it was an attempt to feel more like themselves but deep down Y/N was still struggling. 

"Oh yeah silly me, you would totally be voted President of the best choice making club" Maze replied sarcastically, "Really I mean it Y/N, just stick to doing what we're told and lets make it out of this alive so we can sort out all the other shit going on, deal?" 

"Deal, I promise to not do anything stupid or reckless" Y/N nodded as they finished adjusting the wrist taser they had taken from the weapons locker on the Quinjet. 

Wanda, Clint and Sam were also on the jet with them. They'd arrived after Wanda had made a quick call asking them to collect them from the safehouse. Neither had said much or made any attempts to question Y/N on where the fuck they had been all this time. Which right now Y/N was slightly grateful for, they weren't sure they'd be able to remain patient if they had tried to ask too many questions. 

"Alright everyone, we are five minutes out from our drop coordinates. The others are already in place, so as soon as we're on the ground we proceed. The aim is to approach from multiple angles and essentially meet in the middle, doing a full sweep of the base. Once we have Natasha then we get the hell out of there. Fury and Hill are securing the wider perimeter and will run technological interference to try and keep us covered for as long as possible" Clint spoke through his comms piece from the cockpit of the quinjet. 

Five minutes later and they landed in a small clearing an estimated 500 meters from the fence that ran around the base that Antonia had decided to occupy. Y/N walked down the ramp and took in their surroundings, cautious not to make too much noise. They saw Wanda standing off to the side, within the blink of an eye Wanda's appearance shifted, the dark red suit and crown replacing the normal outfit she had worn during the flight. 

Y/N glanced over their shoulder and saw that Maze was having a discussion with Clint. Turning back Y/N noticed that Wanda was about to leave, clearly her part of the mission required her to be elsewhere. Y/N moved quickly, their hand reaching out, their fingers brushing against the back of Wanda's hand. 

"Be careful..." Y/N said softly so that only Wanda would hear, they were aware of the fact that they'd said some pretty terrible things to her and didn't want those to be the last words exchanged between them before heading into what was likely going to be a pretty dangerous fight against Antonia. 

Wanda tilted her head slightly to look at Y/N, as intimidating as the Scarlet Witch was, the softness in Wanda's eyes was still there. 

"You too Y/N" She didn't say anything more before using her magic to lift from the ground, moving above the trees and out of sight. 

Y/N turned back and waited as the other three did one final check of their suits and weapons before Clint gave the nod for them to start moving. 


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