Chapter Nine

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Two Days Later

Y/N let out a small groan as they opened their eyes, quickly closing them again as the glare of fluorescent lights filled their vision. Well they weren't dead, that was at least something, but they soon became aware of various points of pain and tenderness in their body. Flashes of memory came back to them, remembering each of the hits they had taken, first from Yelena and then from Bucky, that had caused them the damage they felt. 

Lying there, Y/N went still as they heard the sound of voices growing closer. They tilted their head slightly to they could hear better, it only took them a few seconds to place the two voices. Wanda and Maze. 

'You aren't going in there. Absolutely not. You went and confessed everything to Natasha because you couldn't deal with the guilt, not for a moment thinking about Y/N when you did it. They nearly died yet again because of you lot and now when they wake up they are going to be faced with the shit storm you created. So no you can piss off witch. You also better hope that stupid blonde russian never shows her face around me, they just left Y/N behind!' 

'Maze please, I couldn't let Nat find out from someone else. Yelena didn't give me a choice. I was just trying to do the right thing. I just want to be able to say goodbye to Y/N that's it. After that I won't speak to them again, I'll be leaving here for awhile.'

Y/N couldn't catch what was said next as the voices lowered in the hallway. A few more moments passed and then the door to the medical bay slid open. A familiar perfume floated in, Y/N knew that Wanda had somehow managed to convince Maze to back down. 

"Y/N... I know you're awake.." Wanda said softly as she stepped closer to the bed, though she remained out of touching distance. 

"What do you want Wanda?" Y/N said after a few moments, slowly opening their eyes and bringing them to rest of the red haired witch. 

Wanda shifted slightly where she stood, a sadness crossing her face as she looked away from Y/N. 

"I wanted to say sorry.. I'm sorry for what happened at the cabin.. for the things that I said to you.. I should have never said them.." Wanda admitted, "Nat knows, I couldn't keep it from her.. It was my mistake for letting it happen.." 

Y/N winced slightly as they pushed themself up in the bed. 

"Yelena left me there for dead. She attacked me and she did that because of you, did you tell everyone that?" Y/N said, anger flickering in their eyes. 

Wanda looked shocked and slowly shook her head. 

"W-what? Yelena said she tried to get to you but then the explosion happened and she couldn't find you" Wanda said not wanting to believe that Yelena would have gone so far as to hurt Y/N like this. 

Y/N laughed darkly. 

"Are you really that gullible Wanda? Just look into her mind or mine and you'll see what actually happened there. Yelena knew about what happened at the cabin between us and decided her revenge was to make sure I didn't make it out of that mission alive. She wanted me gone" Y/N told her.

Guilt washed through Wanda, she had no idea that Yelena would have gone to such lengths to punish her and Y/N for what had happened. She had no idea how Yelena had been able to be in the compound the last two days and not breathe a word about what had really happened on the mission. 

"Break your rule Wanda, you can fix all of this" Y/N said as they began to pull off the various monitors they were hooked up to, ignoring the alarm noises that sounded from them, "Make them all forget what happened, put it back so that our lives can go on as they were before the stupid mistakes were made between us at that cabin." 

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