Chapter Eighteen

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The rain had been relentless, it had begun falling the moment Y/N had fled from the compound and it had refused to stop since. It reflected the mood of everyone in the compound, nobody knew what they should do next, there were so many fractures spreading through the team and it felt like there was no way to fix them. 

Natasha looked up from where she was sitting in her room when FRIDAY alerted her to motion on the perimeter of the compound. Her heart raced, as she moved to the screen on her desk, had Y/N come back? 

The feeling of hope was snuffed out as quickly as it was sparked when Nat saw who the sensors had actually picked up coming back to the compound. Anger rippled through her as she grabbed her jacket and stormed out of her room. 

It only took Natasha a few minutes to exit the compound and intercept the figure who was walking down one of the paths that led through the grounds on the Avengers compound. Nobody else appeared to have noticed the alert from FRIDAY as she glanced around to see if someone else would have come out. 

Wanda came to a sudden stop when she saw Natasha stood, waiting for her. She didn't need her magic to sense the hostility and rage that Natasha was feeling, it was clearly evident in her friends eyes and the expression on her face. Wanda hadn't come back to the compound for a fight, but it appeared that she was going to have little choice as Natasha blocked her way in. 

"Where is Y/N?" Nat demanded, she knew that there was no way Wanda had left the compound to do anything other than try to find Y/N. 

"I don't know.. I lost them.." Wanda replied as she looked at Natasha. 

"How could you lose them?!" Nat raised her voice, unable to control her frustration with this entire situation. 

Wanda winced slightly, she wasn't use to being someone that Natasha would speak to like this. It hurt knowing that their friendship was likely never going to be the same again. Not now the truth was out in the open. 

"They attacked me Nat, I didn't want to hurt them back so I let them go. Y/N is terrified and the last thing I wanted to do was cause them any more distress. So yes I lost them, but I have every intentions of finding them again" Wanda said firmly, knowing that she had to not crumble under Natasha's harshness. 

"I don't want you go anywhere near Y/N! You have caused enough damage and pain Wanda, so just do me a favour and stay the damn well from me, from Y/N and from the team!" Nat shouted now, tears of anger gathering in the corners of her eyes, "None of this would have happened if you hadn't been so messed up and so desperate to steal Y/N away from me!" 

The moment the words had left her lips, Natasha knew this was a moment that couldn't be taken back, that this right here was the ending of a friendship that had been something she'd once treasured above nearly everything else. 

"You can try and put all the blame on me as much as you want Nat, but deep down you know that Y/N played a part in all of this too" Wanda replied, "I'm not going to stay away from them, I'm not going to give up on them. I didn't see you going after Y/N, instead you stayed here waiting to confront me instead! If you love Y/N as much as you claim to, then why aren't you out there right now doing everything to find them?" 

Wanda could feel her magic pushing against the wall she had put up around it, it could sense her anger and pain, it wanted to react to it, to lash out at the cause of those emotions. She wouldn't let it though, Wanda refused to give Natasha anymore reasons to make her the bad guy in this situation. 

"You took advantage of Y/N when they were broken, when I wasn't here, when they thought they had lost me! All you were to them was a regret, a lapse in judgement! If they actually had any feelings for you Wanda, if there was even a small part of them that wanted to be with you, why would they chose to have you mess with everyone's minds, to erase that mistake and to choose to be with me?!" 

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