Chapter Fourteen

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A.N - So I have been on a bit of a TVD rewatch binge and well, it's time for a bit of a crossover. Nina Dobrev as Katherine Pierce is now entering the story. Enjoy! 


Alarms screamed from the monitors, the sound had been ringing out for the last two minutes. The commotion that moments ago had filled the room and come to a stop, there wasn't anymore they could do.

"No... no... no no no!!..." Nat cried out as she rushed into the room, pushing past the others to get to the bed where Y/N laid lifeless.

Nat sobbed as she wrapped her arms around Y/N, pulling them close to her. This wasn't fair, after everything, this wasn't how things were suppose to be. The worst part was she'd spent Y/N's final moments arguing with Wanda rather than being here with them.

Steve, Tony, Bruce and Clint stood around the edge of the room, their heads dropped in sadness and exhaustion. The moment Dr Cho had begun the procedure it just went wrong, even with Maze using her abilities, Y/N's vitals had crashed rapidly.

They'd tried to resuscitate them, to restart their heart, but after ten minutes it was clear that it wasn't going to be successful. That was when Nat had reappeared back in the medical bay.

"Time of death, 2:30pm" Dr Cho said quietly as she stepped forward and silenced the alarms on the machines.

"Don't say that! No that can't be true!" Nat cried as she looked around the room at them all, "Please there has to be something that we can do!"

Tony stepped forward and gently put his hand on Nat's shoulder. His heart broke for his friend, she didn't deserve this, she'd been through so much already.

"I'm sorry Nat, there isn't anything more that we can do. We tried, we really tried" Tony said gently before nodding for Dr Chon and her team to leave the room now.

Nat's body shook as she cried, she didn't want to believe this, believe that Y/N was gone.


Wanda had sensed it, seconds before she heard Nat cry of pain when she had reached the medical bay. She didn't know how to explain it but her magic had somehow sensed Y/N's presence fade away until she couldn't feel it at all. 

She stood near the door of the medical bay, looking in, but remaining outside of the room. Tears stung her own eyes as she looked at Y/N's lifeless form in Nat's arms.

There would be no chance of Nat forgiving her now, the words Nat had said played in Wanda's mind: 'If Y/N dies I will never ever forgive you! They were there today because of you, this is your fault Wanda!'

A flicker of motion caught Wanda's attention, she turned to try and see what it was, but it kept moving. She couldn't get her eyes to focus before the shape flickered again.

Then the sound of heels tapping on the tiled floor of the medical bay had them all looking around. A brunette woman stood there, an arrogant smirk on her face, as if the whole scenario in front her was amusing.

"Well this is all rather dramatic isn't it, though it really does make for a fabulous entrance for me" The woman spoke, a subtle European accent lacing her words, "It's all very boohoo Y/N is dead, how tragic in here isn't it."

"You've got one lover crying for the Y/N they thought belonged completely to them and then another lover crying because they never had the chance to be with Y/N like they desired" the woman continued, her eyes flicking from Nat to Wanda, "Very Shakespearean tragedy. All over someone who if you really think about it and their actions, probably never deserved either of you two. So in all honesty I probably did you a big favour shooting Y/N."

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