Milim= However, if you are not able to defeat me. Promise me that you will become my subordinate.

Rimuru= (That is all? She is surprisingly soft.)

Rimuru= Ok then.

Dino= She definitely is quite soft. Especially for a demon Lord.

Ultima= If I had been at her place, I would had made sure that everyone there were inflicted with painful poison.

Gabiru & Freedom Academy= (Scary.)

So Rimuru charges towards Milim with something in his hand and even though Great Sage warns him that any attack won't work. He still goes charging in. And slams his hand on her mouth.

Rimuru= (There is only one way to deal with childish opponents like her. Now the rest depends on how she will react to this.)

At this Milim became really excited and happy.

Milim= What in the world was that tasty thing? I have never eaten anything like that.

Leon= Oh so you gave her something really delicious.

Kenya= What was that?

Milim= HONEY!!!!

Shizu & students= Oh.

Leon= Then that reaction is understandable.

Velzard= Is this honey really that delicious?

Guy= Seeing from Leon's reaction, I have to say yes.

Gazel= That really was the best possible option that you had. Well played Rimuru.

Dagruel= Yeah that is the only way to defeat Milim who is like a child.

Milim= Hey!

Rimuru= Thank you.

Rimuru= What is the matter Demon Lord Milim? Want to know what this is?

Rimuru says this while pointing towards the mysterious substance which was honey.

Rimuru= If you admit defeat then I might give it to you.

Milim= But...

At this Rimuru begins to eat a little bit of honey and Milim freaks out.

Fuze= And this is a rare form of Rimuru. The Cunning Rimuru.

Gazel= I think I have only seen him like this one or two time.

Students= We have seen him like this a lot.

Rimuru (to students) = At those times I am not actually being cunning you just think that's the case.

Students= Really?

Rimuru= Really.

Veldora= Yes that is true. He really wasn't being cunning at those times. If he would be, then many won't take him so easily.

Gazel= Yes that is certainly true.

Milim= H-How about a draw? Yeah a draw? I also won't hurt any of your companions.

Rimuru= (I won.)

At this Rimuru finally gives her the jar of honey.

Carrera= It really got him the win.

Guy= Well that was to be expected. Once Milim had tasted that honey and loved it. I knew she would give in quite easily.

Frey= That is the only. So not surprising.

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