Drayton Sawyer

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♡Title: The Gas Station
♤Character: Drayton
◇Relationship: Strangers
♧TW: None

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My car was almost out of gas in the middle of nowhere. That's not a situation anyone wants to be in. I was just on a quick road trip through Texas. Lucky me, there was a gas station that appeared down the long and empty road.

I pulled up to the station, getting worried when I saw it was empty. My worries were put aside when I saw a man walk out of the station. He walked up to my car window, I rolled it down for him.

I looked him over. He wore a small shirt that showed off his arms well. His dark brown hair was pushed back and out of his face.

"Need help, missy?" He stepped up to the passenger side window.

"Yeah, I'm almost out of gas." I leaned over to get closer to him as we spoke.

"Sorry, but I ain't got no more gas here." He shrugged his shoulders.

"No more gas? Oh no." I took my eyes off of him and rested my head against the car seat. My hands covered my eyes, trying to wipe away the stress. "Is there another station around here?"

"I'm afraid there isn't. It's an empty town, miss. Not to worry, I'll get a delivery later tonight." The man leaned forward while crossing his arms. "How bout you come in, we can have lunch while we wait."

"Sure thing." I stepped out of my car and approached the man. "Thanks for letting me hang out."

"No problem at all." He led me into the gas station. A strange smell burned my nose the second I walked inside. Old meat in a hot room wasn't exactly pleasant.

"Nubbins, calm the hell down already!" He yelled as a child ran through the gas station, pushing past us.

"But Bubba was chasing me!" The small boy yelled as he ran out of the gas station giggling.

"Sorry bout that. I have to watch my younger brothers when we're down here." He shrugged his shoulders. "Names Drayton, by the way."

"I'm Y/N. Do you have to wait for gas often?" I followed him into the corner of the gas station where a table was. It looked like he stayed around this area often, making it more cozy than any other gas station.

"Only sometimes when the trucks late." Drayton pulled out a chair for me to sit down in. I sat in it and watched him go into a back room.

Shortly after, he returned with a nice lunch. We ate together and talked the entire time. I learned a lot about his family and his little brothers. I know about the gas station and the slaughterhouse. It was kind of creepy, considering I'm here all alone, but something about Drayton made me trust him.

Time went on, and we talked for a very long time. The sky started to turn into a bright orange that slowly lost its color over time. I was relieved when I looked outside and saw the truck pull up outside. It was loud and very noticeable when it got closer.

Draytons brother, the one I saw earlier, ran into the gas station and disappeared from sight. Following him was another little boy who wore a cow head over his face. It was a shocking sight, but it was over so fast that I could barely even think about it.

Drayton got up and went out to talk to the truck driver. Before he left, he shut the blinds over the windows so my vision of the truck was blocked.

"The truck has a bright light, I don't think you'd like to be blinded by it." He stated before leaving the building. I was left completely alone. I know his brothers are in the back room, but that didn't change the quiet. It still felt like I was alone.

Time passed, and I couldn't see a light through the blinds like Drayton was saying. I also didn't think that there would be a light like that at all. It's not like I know anything about delivering gas to a station.

"Sorry miss, but there's an issue with the gas." Drayton walked back into the station after a long time.

"What's wrong?" My face filled with concern as he approached me.

"The truck had a leak in it. Gas is all over the road on the way up here." Drayton had a serious face as he spoke.

"That's awful." My face dropped. How was I supposed to get anywhere now?

"You know, you could come stay at my house for the night. A new gas truck'll be here in the mornin." A smirk was displayed across his face.

"Could I? I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Trust me, once you're there, you'll never wanna leave."


I'm sorry if this was a weird one. I wanna write one for each character, and I had to come up with something for cook :/

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