chapter 32

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meeting the parents 

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meeting the parents 

"Shh," Amy shushed down the table, picking up her phone so she could accept the incoming call. They have all already finished their food, and were now waiting for their desserts to come, while talking about what Izzy's dad did in the time they didn't see each other.

"Is that her boyfriend?" He questioned and Izzy just shrugged.

"Yes, love?" Amy asked immediately, making the boy on the other side smile. 

Izzy glanced at her dad, nodding. "Yes, it definitely is her boyfriend." 

"Amy, are you free? Like, right now?" Jeongin asked, looking around the room with an awkward smile.

"Uhm," the female looked at the three people sitting next to her before answering. "Depends, what's up? I thought you were visiting your parents, did something happen?"

"That's the thing," he sighed. "They are asking about you and.. I was wondering if you don't want to come here? I know you had the thing with Mr. Byun, but please?"

"Go meet your boyfriend," Izzy's dad nodded with a smile. "We can talk again later, Amy," he assured her, making her smile grow even wider.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Amy answered to her boyfriend, making him sigh in relief. "You can tell your mom I am excited to finally meet her," she added before they hung up. Amy glanced at the people at her table again, thanking them with her eyes. "I am sorry, I swear I'll make it up for you and call you tonight," she said towards Izzy's dad, making him nod.

He chuckled, "go oh my god, he is waiting for you."

"Okay, okay," Amy blurted out, almost making her chair fall on the ground because of how fast she stood up. Hana, Izzy, and Mr. Byun all laughed at her, making her roll her eyes. She quickly took all of her stuff, giving them one last apologizing look before rushing out of the restaurant.

Izzy shook her head at her, glancing at her dad again. "I am taking her dessert," she proclaimed.

"Or," her dad started, making her raise her eyebrow. "You could invite your boyfriend to eat the dessert," he offered. "Ah, and you can call Seungmin too if you want, Hana," he glanced at the shorter female. 

"I told you I wanted to meet him," he shrugged when he noticed the confused expression on Izzy's face.

"But like... now? Isn't that like, I don't know, soon?"

"I am not going to kill him or anything, don't worry," he chuckled. "As long as he passes the test."

"Okay, dad, this is not funny anymore. Do not scare him away, please," Izzy glared at him. He shook his head at her and prompted her to call him.

The brunette sighed, finding his number in her contacts.

"Should I leave too?" Hana asked, watching the two of them. "I don't want to be in the way or something."

"No, no, please stay," Izzy spoke up immediately. "I need you here or I'll die."

Hana chuckled, slightly nodding. She felt a little weird about sitting there with them when Hyunjin was supposed to come, but she wasn't going to let her down.

"Yes, princess?" Hyunjin asked, putting down his brush. "Is there anything you need?"

Izzy smiled at the nickname, glancing over at her dad once again to see if he was serious before explaining the situation to him. "Well, only if you have time."

"I always have time for you, what's up?" He questioned again, knowing well that he wasn't drawing anymore. Whatever she needed was more important to him than any art in the world.

"My dad came to Seoul," Izzy explained. "We were out for lunch just now and well, I might have mentioned you."

"You mentioned me to your dad?" He interrupted her with the biggest grin on his face. "I hope you didn't introduce me as the bad guy," he chuckled, making her smile too.

"No, the opposite," she assured him. "He wants to meet you, if you have time of course," she explained, not sure herself what opinion she hoped for. She would love to hang out with him, and she wanted him to meet her dad, but eventually, not immediately. If she was completely honest, she had mixed feelings about this.

"Like I said, I always have time for you," he smiled, again. "Beauty," he spoke up after a second of silence. Izzy mumbled something like a yes and waited for him to continue. "Do you want me to meet your dad, or is it something only he wants?"

Good question. Izzy thought, looking at the chair that was Amy's moments ago. "I mean...if you don't mind, then I don't mind it either. I really like you," she confessed, immediately glancing at her dad as she forgot he was still there for a moment.

"I really like you too, Izzy," he chuckled, not because he wouldn't mean it or something, but because the tone she used when she said it made him chuckle. He couldn't explain it properly, but the tone made his heart skip a beat.

"And I would like to meet him too," he added, making her sigh in relief. It felt as if the biggest rock just fell off her chest for some reason. Maybe he was more important to her than she thought he was. 

Maybe it wasn't just "I like you" anymore

"Where are you now? I can convince Laska to drive me over."

Izzy answered his question and then turned to her dad, not hanging up just yet. "He is coming," she informed them, making her dad smile. "Please, be nice to him." 

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