chapter 31

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family meeting 

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family meeting 

Izzy had gotten up early this morning.

She had to work on a few things for school in the morning so she would have a free afternoon, but it was almost impossible with her cat walking on her keyboard all the time. Of course, she could have just picked him up from the table and put him on the ground or on her bed so he wouldn't be in the way, but he was too cute for her to be able to do that.

She finally finished around ten and decided she could get something to eat. She usually didn't eat breakfast and just waited for lunch, but she had skipped dinner the night before and was getting hungry.

The brunette had walked out of her room, already smelling the food. She recognized that smell well; Hana baked.

"Ah, that's my favorite pie!" Izzy smiled once she walked into the kitchen, seeing the shorter female.

"And it's also your dad's favorite. You're not eating this," Hana warned the younger girl immediately. "I spent the whole morning baking this. If you're hungry, you can eat whatever is in the fridge."

"That's not fair," Izzy sighed, going to see if they even had anything in the fridge. "Ah, will you make me scrambled eggs? Please? And I won't eat the pie," Izzy turned to the black haired female again, trying to do a puppy eyes.

"Go ask Amy, she is in her room on a call with Robin. Something about Minho and Robin admitting their feelings. She woke me up by yelling at Robin if she meant it. I am surprised she didn't wake you up," Hana explained, looking at the clock on her phone.

"They what??" Izzy exclaimed right away, making Hana flinch.

She sighed, turning around to face her. "Exactly like this."

"Sorry, but it's a big deal," Izzy apologized. "I was awake but had my headphones on, fuck."

"Just go ask her, I don't know. You're in my way," Hana proclaimed, basically kicking Izzy out of their kitchen so she could finish the pie for Izzy's dad.

"You're getting an attitude, I think you should stop seeing Seungmin," Izzy shook her head, walking away.

Hana shot her a glare immediately. Izzy shook her head again at that, genuinely shocked at how close the two of them got. Hana always had trouble with getting along with people because of her fear of trusting people she shouldn't, but with Seungmin it seemed to be different. The two of them were truly made for each other.

At the end, Izzy didn't get her scrambled eggs. In fact, she didn't eat anything. She wanted to be healthy for once and eat when she was supposed to, but her dad called, and they were meeting for lunch at eleven already so there was no point in eating breakfast.

"Okay, wait, is this picture good?" Amy asked, showing the two girls a pic of her and Jeongin together. Izzy confusedly nodded, waiting for her to explain why she was asking that. Normally, she knew better than any of them which pictures were good and which weren't. "I want to show it to Katashi."

"Ah, yeah, I think it's perfect," Izzy nodded again. "Should I... tell him about Hyunjin too?"

"Yeah," Hana nodded to her, opening the door of the restaurant they were meeting in. "I mean, I think I would tell my dad if I was dating someone. And if your dad asks me I will tell him about Minnie."

"But you were dating for longer than we are. It's...still new, no?" Izzy looked at the two girls, sighing. "I'll just tell him if he asks," she proclaimed, looking around to see if she saw her dad anywhere.

When she noticed him, sitting at a table for four, she waved at him, smiling as she walked over to him, the two girls following her.

"Hii!" She smiled, immediately going to hug him. Her dad chuckled, hugging her back. He then stood up, going to hug the two black haired females too.

"So, what else is new?" Izzy's dad asked once their conversation ended again. They all already had their food and were just talking about anything and everything.

"Oh," Amy smiled, reaching for her phone on the table, opening the pictures she showed Izzy and Hana before. She gave her phone to him, swallowing the food in her mouth before talking. "I have a boyfriend," she confessed happily. "He is my soulmate and his name is Jeongin."

Katashi smiled too, looking at the couple in the picture. They looked happy, and he was glad he could see Amy like that again. "I am sure he is amazing," he commented, giving her back her phone. "Jeongin you say...I am glad you found the one."

"Same," Amy muttered, still smiling.

"And you two? Any girlfriends?" He smiled at the two younger ones.

Izzy chuckled, shaking her head. "But," she looked up at him from her food, glancing at Hana next to her. "Boyfriends."

"Really? Wow."

"Yeah," Hana slightly nodded, also unlocking her phone to show him some pictures of Seungmin. Thankfully, she had a lot from them babysitting together. "Here," She showed the phone to him. "Seungmin and Jeongin are friends actually. And Hyunjin too," she added.

"Hyunjin?" He raised his eyebrow teasingly, glancing at his daughter.

Izzy chuckled again, nodding. "Hyunjin."

"Is he a nice boy?"

"A very nice boy," Izzy agreed. "Artist, and loves music," she said, a smile forming on her lips. "He's my soulmate, and Laska's brother."

"Isn't Alaska that girl you had a crush on before?" He chuckled, watching his daughter. Just as with Amy (and Hana), he was glad to see her happy. He didn't know the boy yet, but seeing the smile on her face when she said the few words about him was enough for him to know that she liked him.

"That's.. Well, true," Izzy admitted, realizing how bizarre it actually was. "But I don't like him because of that."

"I am sure that's not why you like him," he proclaimed. "I'd like to meet him, sunshine."

"What?" Izzy asked, her eyes moving from her dad to the two girls, looking for some form of help. "Why?"

"What do you mean why?" He laughed. "He is your soulmate, and boyfriend. I just want to know him before I approve of him. You know I already have a list of questions about you that I am going to ask him to see if he's worth it."

"Oh god, not this again," Izzy whined, the whine turning into a laugh soon after. "Are you planning on asking about at what time you used to change my diapers again or something?"

"Obviously," he nodded, laughing. 

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