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I'm getting dressed, my clothing casual as I'm nervous to meet Lauren. I didn't want to text her about what Lauren told me. Normani and I frequently will grab each other's phones just sometimes. Not necessarily to search but if we need to make quick calls and our phones aren't in sight, we just grab the other's. I wouldn't want her to find a random text especially considering I haven't addressed the situation yet. Out of context, this could look bad.

I just want to know how I should confront the situation. I would've met up with Beyonce but I didn't want to stress her out further. This entire situation has been making me lose sleep.

Kellon and Justin called me the other night about Teyana having a meeting with Robyn. They asked if I knew anything of it. I said, no and left it alone. I've been avoiding it. I've been avoiding having to go and count orders and make calls to Robyn and Nicki like I've been having to. I just don't want to go somewhere where there will be a good chance of Teyana showing up. I don't want to be alone in that office with her. It makes me uncomfortable to think that she was plotting to hurt me simply because she knows I'm madly in love with my gorgeous wife and I'm not a cheater.

I feel a sense of betrayal. She saved me from jail. I could've been locked up, without Normani. We wouldn't have been able to have Brooke. It wouldn't have been a good outcome.

I'm trying to keep a poker face as I get ready to leave out the door. I also have to drop Brooke off for Gymnastics lessons beforehand. I think having Brooke around keeps me from overreacting in the moment. I would give any and everything to protect her and Normani. This just gives me more of a sense of urgency for the situation, I've tried to keep calm and cool, but I just need to fall apart. 


I sit down and Lauren is right in front of me. It feels weird and uncertain at the moment. I explained to her as vaguely as I could considering that I didn't think it was right to be texting her regarding this. Some topics just need to be discussed in person and we both agreed on that.

"Hey, we'll find a way to go to her," she says as she sips her coffee.

I was vague with what I told her.

"Tell me everything from the beginning."

"Okay." I nod.

In my head, I replay the day when I noticed the drastic black-and-white shift in her behavior towards me.

"I remember we had a visit from Robyn and Nick. It was a meeting regarding unity and something about how we were weak as hell as a unit. One of our newer guys was just being messy and we sent two to make a delivery just for them to fight like some high schoolers. Then, Teyana and I argued about who was doing what wrong. Then it was so quick. She bucked up to me and held a knife to me. I swear, I thought she was going to kill me right then and there. I was quiet after. I was quiet at home I was quiet all week. She didn't stab me, but she was pressing it against me, I had a small scar from it on my stomach. Nothing deep. She is very capable of injuring those close to her. She has always threatened she would make it happen again. Until one day I returned the favor. never injured her, but I made it clear. Wouldn't go down without a fight." I press the very area where Teyana left the knife mark.

Lauren shakes her head and takes my hand, "What ?"

She has a look of disbelief on her face. Lauren knows about the business we do, she's not a part of it but considering she knew Normani long before I did, she eventually caught on to what was happening quickly while Normani remained oblivious. This business is usually very hush-hush with who and what is involved but Lauren has always understood. 

I nod, gently massaging my scar as I remember the moment. I exhale looking down solemnly. Almost as if I can't believe this whole situation.

"Right now, we need to see how to keep you and your family safe while making sure she doesn't know that you know either. We can't just file a restraining order. That's the most obvious thing you can do. I don't even like the thought of guns, but do you carry? Get a license if you don't already have one."

I look at her in disbelief and make her bend her head down to get closer so I don't have to speak loud. I can't imagine having such a lethal weapon in my house with my family. There's gotta be a safer way. God forbid Brooke ever somehow find it or become curious as to why I have one on me. I don't want Normani to feel as unsafe as she used to with King. I won't condone that. I can't have that. 

"I could never. Not with my child in my house!" I whisper-yell.

She nods, understanding. I'm beginning to feel an impending sense of doom as I bury my face in my hands.

"We could take a sporadic vacation. Something out of the country for a second." I suggest.

I am more than willing to try any and everything right now.

she nods, "Could work, but what will you do upon return? You're going to have to at some point."

"FUCK." I bang my hand on the table but not loud enough to draw attention. Tears burn in the corners of my eyes as I truly feel like a crab in a bucket. This is such a horrific feeling. You want to save yourself, but you feel as though the inevitable will happen anyway.

"Would you like a break for this for a minute I can tell—-"

Lauren pauses. With the way she's sitting, she is facing out into the restaurant toward the front entrance. I see her get instantly nervous and anxious. I tried to study her face and see what could be the problem.


I start to fix my posture and right as I look back I feel a sharp pain to the left and back of my head. At first, I assume I exclaim but I feel my eyes unable to close as I hit the ground. I didn't even get a good look due to her big jacket and scarf over her nose and mouth but based on the model of the gun and the voice that follows afterward, I realize it's Teyana. How could she?

We were too late. How could this be? Beyonce notified me just three days ago. My eyes open realizing the gravity of the situation when I see her reaching for her side. I start grabbing my things and right when I look down.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Ringing fills my ears as everyone in the cafe begins to clamor in fear. I drop to the ground. I hear screams and yells from people asking for 911 to be called. At this point, I look around for something to throw or use to subdue Teyana. She has this nasty look on her face and I look her dead in the eyes as she points the weapon at me, vengeance in her eyes is all I see. I feel someone almost trip over me as I try to reach for an unoccupied chair. 

I hear Lauren trying to reason. However, everything fades to black and I hear one more bang and her body falling right next to me right onto my extended right arm. My chair is clearly of no use against that gun. 

She doesn't look alive. My chest sinks as I realize she isn't responding to my attempts to shake her to get her attention. 

For Teyana, hitting me in the head with the gun isn't enough. She cocks it and aims it at me. My vision is beginning to fail me as I muster up just enough to move onto my back. I rub the back of my head, I can't believe I have to describe it this way but it feels like my head is falling apart. I have to keep my hand there to keep it from feeling like my brain is falling out. 


I try to speak.

At this moment I want to call for my wife. I need her comfort.



Everything fades to black and I hear Lauren's struggles to breathe. I can't even tell if I can feel or sense anything. All emotions and fear have left my body. I feel tingly that travels all over my leg until it just stops. 

I am free. 




what do you guys think is coming next?

I love you guys!!!

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