Namjoon (RM) ~ Throat infection

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He doesn't have the energy to take a full shower so he just quickly washes himself before getting dressed in clean clothing as the one he is wearing is totally soak in sweat.

He tries to keep the dizzy feeling out as he walks into the kitchen were some of the members are eating.

"Namjoon-hyung." Jimin says as he looks up confused. "You really look bad."

Namjoon smirks from the comment before responding.
"Thanks." But his voices cracks and the sounds that cme out didn't sound like a thanks at all.

"You really should drink this." Jin says giving him a glass filled with warm water, Namjoon takes it and thanks the older with a simple nod before taking a sip.

He can taste the lemon and some honey in there, but it still hurt a bit.
"You shouldn't work today." Jin says now looking at him, but deep down JIn also knows that Namjoon has to work, just like each and every member. Namjoon wants to speak but it just hurt to much so he decides to write it down

I need too...the songs, melodies, dance...

"I know but still look at you."

I will be fine

Jin smiles at the younger, he knows he can't do anything about it so he just accepts it before all of them get ready in the car. Namjoon didn't eat anything only drank what Jin had given him.

Namjoon rest his head on the cold window and looks outside as he can hear the others discuss somethings. He doesn't even need to replay at all as he can't speak so he just stay like this and listen. But his minds drifts off and he doesn't realses that they are already at the HYBE building.

"Hyung, you sure?" Taehyung asks, looking at his mate. Namjoon nods, before getting out fo the car following the members. He first walks towards his own studio as he will be there the first part of the day.

He feels awful, the times doesn't seem to go by, the letters on the screen are moving and there is someone knocking on his brain leaving a huge headache and sometimes blurry vision.

How bad he wanted to, he just can't put it aside, he needs to work.

The pain is getting more and more intense as the hours passes and than his studio door opens revealing Yoongi.

"We have dance practice."

Namjoon just nods, normally he would just skip but they have a performance in a week and he just can't skip it. Not in his normal tempo he walks behind Yoongi, trying to catch his breath as they reach the studio and he can feel how his whole body is getting heavy.

"I hate this." He whispers, but even if he tries nothing more than just a single breath comes out.

Sweat was already on his forehead and now he was feeling worse and worse as they only did the warming-up.
"You ok?" Yoongi ask looking at the leader. Namjoon nods, but he feels like the moment he is going to speak or open his mouth more than the air will come out.

"Lets start with..." Hoseok says he looks at Namjoon as he stops wth speaking before yellow vomit is laying on the floor.

"Get him home. No matter how important this is get him home." Hoseok says.
"no." Namjoon says as a tears slips from his eyes as he wants to start to clean up. But Jimin takes him and leads him to a chair in the room and sits him down. Namjoon can see how Jungkook and Yoongi had started to clean up his mess.

"Sorry." His voices cracks again, but Jimin shakes his head as he hugs the older one softly.

Jimin can feel how hot he is and he really starts to worry.
"I really think his fever is high." He soft, not making Namjoon look up as the world feels like turning.

The others start to discuss something and Namjoon can hear the worry in their voices. He wants to tell them he is fine, but the truth is he feel like shit and even that is not as bad as he really feels.

"Hey wake up." Hoseok says softly as Namjoon notices that Jungkook and Hoseok are carring him towards the car.
"Dance." He says but it comes out he is choking.
"We finished for today you have been asleep the moment Jimin hugged you." Hoseok says, Namjoon was never this confused in his live and he can't even imagion to feel like this but he does and it worries him a bit.

"He is even warmer as this afternoon." Jimin says, as Namjoon is being laid down with his head on Jimins lap.

"Lets take him home."

With that they all drive home, the drive never went so fast for Namjoon, he closed his eyes and a second later they were already home.

Namjoon couldn't even reach his own room as he sank into the couch, hearing the soft voices of the others before again drifting away.


Days slowly passes, Namjoon has been sleeping most of it and the members are getting worried.

His temperature is rising one day and the other day is lowers again, it has been going on for 3 days now. Sejin has already come to visit and checked on the leader but said that he just needed the rest and that the performance will be delayed with a week.

Namjoon is now laying with his head on Jin thigh, while the other two rappers are also on the couch and they are wachting a movie.

The maknea line is playing some kind of game on the floor not far away from the others.

"I am worried about him hyung." Hoseoks says looking at Yoongi and JIn who are sitting close to him.
"Me too, but his fever has again go down again." Jin says going with his hand through Namjoon hair.

They haven't heard him talking since he has been sick at home, his throat is still hurting to much. But his fever has been going down now since yesterday which has been a improvement from the other days.

"We have to make some diner." Yoongi says, the two nod and Hoseok stands up. Jin gently lift Namjoon head up and lets is sink softly into a pillow that Yoongi hands him.

The three of them walk into the kitchen and start to make the food, a loud yell makes them all look up.


In the living room the three maknea have been playing around, the game they were playing is lost by Taehyung.

Jungkook and Jimin look at each other with big smiles before they pinch the boy really bad both in an different arm.

The pinch is hard and Taehyung screams louder than he should have, he looks around and his eyes meet those form Namjoon, who is now awake and looking like he is in pain.

Not a moment later Namjoon has tears streaming down his face, holding his head like he is in pain and breathing hurts as his throat is still hurting but not as much as it was the first few days.

His silent cries don't go unnoticed by the older members in the kitchen as they run towards their leader and such him, ignoring the three still on the ground but they now that nothing is said yet.

"Hey, its ok. Let it all out."
"It hurts, hurts so bad." Those are the first word everyone has heard from their leader in days.
"what hurts?"
"My head.." Namjoon cries not sayinf more than that.
"he it's ok, lets calm down."

After a small 30 minutes Namjoon is calmed down and his headache is a little less before he drifts of again, like he is a cat that needs more than 12 hours of sleep.

"Hoba." Jin says, as he looks up at Yoongi, Yoongi and Hoseok boy nod before Hoseok covers Namjoon ears.

The makneas know what is coming, even though it is meant as a punishment, they couldn't hide their smiles as the older two start chasing the younger through the house, laughter escaping their mounts as Hoseok is enjoying the view.

It will still take a few days, but with a lot of rest, Namjoon will be back to being healthy. 

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