Part Seventeen

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Reader pov:

I'm sitting in my room watching videos on pro heroes and looking for ultimate moves. Aizawa-Sensei suggested this as an extra piece of homework while I think of what to do for my ultimate moves. Maybe he thinks these will help me come up with ideas. After hours of watching video clips from all types of heroes, I decided to get some advice from someone with a similar quirk. 

I headed downstairs and to the common areas to see Aizawa sitting at the coffee table giving Denki some extra help with math. "Aizawa-Sensei," I said while walking over. 

"L/n, what did you need? I hope your extra homework has been helpful," he replied.

"They got me thinking about asking someone with an animal quirk for help. Do you know anyone who might be helpful," I questioned. 

He thought about it for a second before replying. "There is someone, a student in class 3-A. His name is Tamaki Amajiki, he should be in the dorms right now."

"Thank you, Aizawa-Sensei," I said, running out the door. He simply nodded before continuing to help Denki. 

I finally arrived at the 3-A dormitories. I reached the huge double doors and knocked, awaiting my reply. A girl with long blue hair opened the door. "You're a first-year, aren't you? I saw you at the festival, what's your quirk? Why are you here? Are you looking for someone?"

"Uhh, yes, shapeshifting, I need advice, and yes," I replied in a confused voice. Why was this girl so energetic, and why did she ask so many questions? I think I got those answers in the right order. 

"Who are you here for? I can help you find them! Oh, what kind of advice are you-" The girl continued to ramble on before being interrupted by someone else. 

"Neijire, stop bothering the poor kid," A tall blonde-haired guy said, putting a hand on her shoulder. He gave me a bright smile and a wave.

"Hey, I'm here for Tamaki Amajiki. Do you know where I can find him," I asked, now more confident thanks to the blonde guy stopping the girl, Nejire.

"Mirio, what are you doing at the door," A dark-haired boy asked. His shoulders were slouched and he was staring at the ground. 

"Tamaki! This young student was just asking for you," Mirio responded with a bright smile. I felt the need to cover my eyes from how bright this guy is. 

"W-what? Why me," He said, stumbling over his words. He started shaking and his eyes widened. 

"Hey," I said softly with a tiny smile. "Aizawa-Sensei said you had a similar quirk to me. What is your quirk, anyway?"

"I-its called Manifest," He mumbled. "I can manifest the physical traits of anything I eat." 

"I can shape-shift into animals," I replied smiling. "Seems like our quirks are pretty similar."

"Ooh, Tamaki, you have to help her! She could be like your little you!! I wish I could have one," Nejire exclaimed. 

"I'm not sure I'll be very helpful," Tamaki muttered under his breath.

"Just give it a try," Mirio said. "I'm sure you'll be more helpful than you think."

"Alright," He mumbles, "What do you need help with?"

"Our class is making ultimate moves and I don't know what to do for mine. I was hoping you could give me a few pointers," I asked. 

"Could you give me a few more details on your quirk? It might take a few days to get a couple of ideas down," Tamaki said quietly.

"Should we swap numbers then? So we can make plans to work on it," I asked, pulling out my phone.

"Yeah... Let's do that," He said also pulling out his phone. 


Over the next couple of days, I spent a lot of my free time working on my quirk with Tamaki. He even offered to help me with control and trying out my ultimate moves. He convinced his homeroom teacher to let us use the third-year gyms to practice. 

When I walked into the gym for hero studies the next day I told Ectoplasm I was ready to train. He was surprised but gave me the go-ahead and a clone.

"Are you ready," Ectoplasm's clone asked. I shouted back "Yeah." 

Ectoplasm came after me and prepared to attack, in response I started to shape-shift, my form getting bigger until I was a twelve-foot tall and thirty-foot long T-Rex. I let out a loud roar, everyone in the gym freezing in shock and looking over. 

I used the shock to attack the clone, my tail smacking him across the chest and shooting him into a wall. I turned back, falling to my knees and clutching my chest. I'm out of breath, and already low on energy. 

"Y/n," Tsu said running over to me. "That was amazing, kero."

"How did you do that," Deku asked, pulling out his hero notebook.

"It was very stunning," Iida exclaimed, shopping his arms. Todoroki simply nodded. 

"I was struggling to come up with ideas when Tamaki-Senpai asked if I could become an extinct animal. I realized I had never tried so we tested it and it worked," I replied with a bright smile. "I have a few other ideas too, but this was one of my favorites. It also takes a lot out of me," I said with a breathy laugh.

Tsu reached out her hand. "Let me help you up, kero." I accepted the hand and walked towards Aizawa-Sensei.

"That was impressive, kid," He said, patting me on the head. 

"Thank you, Sensei," I replied. 

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