Part 9

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Reader pov:

"Today you students will be pushing your quirks to the limits. Until now you've only been training your bodies. To be true heroes you have to be strong in all ways. You'll be training to improve your quirks in the best way. The Wild Wild Pussycats will help overlook your training. We've made a list of what you will be doing and with who. Check it out and get to work. If you have any questions just ask." Aizawa Sensei explained our events for the day in a tired voice. He opened a juice pouch and started drinking it. "What are you waiting for? Get going."

Everyone shoved their way over to the list to see what they were doing. When I finally got a turn to look I saw that I would be working alone. There was an obstacle course that I would have to complete. In order to do it, I would have to change animal forms multiple times. I walked over to the course to see Mandalay standing at the finish line with a stopwatch.

"Hey, kiddo! I'm going to time your first attempt and how fast you are at the end of the day! We're expecting some improvement but not that much on the first day! Let's see how fast you are," The cat girl yelled from far away. 

I gave her a thumbs-up and walked to the starting line. As soon as the flair shot into the sky I turned into a horse. I wouldn't need to run too long but a cheetah might not be able to handle it. I ran for a few minutes before I saw hoops in the sky that I would have to fly through. I jumped and turned into a falcon before continuing my flying. I did loops and dives, trying to go as fast as I could. I could feel I was starting to get tired as my wings felt heavy. Luckily, the pool portion was coming up. Diving so I would get a good amount of momentum, I quickly turned into a sailfish and sped through the hoops. I was getting so tired I could barely focus on my swimming. I jumped out of the water and turned into a mountain goat and started climbing the cliff-like wall for the next obstacle. My usual limit for animal transformations is three so I knew I wouldn't be able to last much longer. Jumping up the wall, I finally got to the top and saw that my last objective was to jump over a series of tall obstacles. I climbed down the cliff and transformed into a serval, which are known for their amazing jumping. I ran through the track, jumping over obstacles as they came, quickly getting to the end.

Mandalay clicked the stopwatch as I crossed the line. I turned back into a human and fell onto the floor. "Wow, not bad kid. Twenty minutes isn't that impressive but it's better than I expected. I thought each obstacle would take you at least five minutes. Too bad you'll be too weak to do anything for the next several minutes."


"Wow, kid! You got that twenty minutes to eighteen! It might not seem like much but it sure is! I bet tomorrow you can do even better!" Mandalay yelled and gave me a high-five. "Get to the kitchen and help your classmates make some dinner. After that, you have the rest of the day to yourself."

I thanked the cat hero and walked over to the group. "Hey, You!" I turned around and looked at Bakugou pointing at myself. "Yes, you idiot! Who else would I be talking to?! What are you good at with cooking?"

"Um, well I can turn into any creature, real or not, but I'm a bit overused for the day so that won't be very useful. I can cut things and I'm decent at making curry." I replied, scratching my arm.

"Alright, wash your hands and start cutting vegetables for the curry! When you finish you can start helping the others make the curry!" I nodded my head and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. I scrubbed every part of my hands, making sure they were cleaned thoroughly. 

"Why do you let him order you around like that, kero?" Tsu asked while moving the wood around in the fire. 

"I don't mind it. He knows what he's doing and if he wasn't so angry all the time, he would be a good leader." I replied turning off the sink and drying my hands. 

"I guess that makes sense, kero," Tsu said, putting a pot full of water on the fire. 

I walked over to the table and sat down, putting carrots on my cutting board and chopping away. When I finished the carrots I moved on to the next vegetable. I continued this process until everything was cut. I brought them over to the groups cooking the curry and divided the vegetables evenly. I started looking over everyone to make sure they got it right. 

The curry was finally finished and everyone sat to chow down. I served plates and gave them to Tsu so she could deliver them. When everyone had their food, I walked over to the ice chest and brought it around so people could pick out drinks. I picked out f/d and sat down next to Tsu and started to eat. Tsu made small talk as we ate, making sure there was never a moment we weren't talking. When we finished eating most of the group went to their cabins while the others went to their extra lessons.

We entered our cabin and took turns showering and using the bathroom before bed. I went last and Tsu second to last. As we waited for our turns we talked all about how we trained. When I finally got to go to bed, I slept soundly.

A/n~ Sorry for the long wait, my writer's block was terrible. Remember to vote if you liked the chapter. Check out some of my other books while waiting for updates. Have a good day/night my owlets.~

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