Part Five

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Mina pov

It was deadly silent as Ojiro and I walked through the halls. We used hand signals to communicate as we tried to find the base. We had a plan too, a good one. Too bad it probably won't go as planned, something we learn to accept in this class. I was starting to get bored when a white blur appeared in the corner of my eye. I turned to the side and saw the cutest little bunny I have ever seen.

"Aww! Who's a good little bunny," I squealed, rushing over to the adorable creature. It ran down the hall, in the opposite direction of where Ojiro and I were going. I chased after the rabbit for a minute, making so many turns that I lost track. I realized I was lost. 'Stupid Mina! This is why we don't chase everything that catches our attention!'

"You really are gullible," A voice said from behind me. I gasped and turned around to see Y/n standing beside me. "Too bad it was this easy. I was hoping for a fight," she said before turning into a bear. Everything went black.

Reader pov

'That was fast,' I thought, dusting off my hands. 'I should head back to Tsu.' I ran off in the opposite direction, hoping to get to Tsu before Ojiro does. I took two lefts and then a right. After just a few more turns, I finally arrived at the room. I peeked in. Tsu was sitting in the corner tied up. Ojiro was leaning on the wall while waiting for me to return. I sighed dramatically and trudged into the room.

"Sorry, kero," Tsu said, face flushed.

"Don't worry about it, Tsu. I can handle this," I didn't actually believe I could, but I had to sound cool in front of my crush.

Ojiro stood up and put up his fists. I shifted into a lion and charged at him at full speed. Just as I was about to hit him he used his tail to bounce up into the air. I snarled and turned into a beetle. I flew up above him and turned into a rhino. Gravity pulled me down at high speeds. I landed on him and we fell through three floors. I turned back into a human, my body not able to handle more than four changes in just an hour. I shakily stood up only to fall back over. Ojiro somehow stood up and pulled out some handcuffs.

"Oh, you're a kinky one, ey?" I said, a little snicker coming out as well.

His face flushed and he shouted, "I- I'm not!" I laughed a bit more and held out my arms for him.

"You're not really my type but I guess that's fine." His face grew darker and he huffed out. He cuffed me up and dragged me out of the building. The others came out a few minutes later too.

"What did you do to Ojiro, kero? He doesn't look okay," Tsu asked, worried for her friend.

"Poor Ojiro will never be okay again," I snickered out. With that Tsu looked absolutely terrified. I just and put my hands behind my head. "Don't worry, I wouldn't traumatize you like that." I winked at Tsu and walked away and her face flushed.

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