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Y/N and Error walked through the dark, empty AU, silent except for the sound of their footsteps. Error looked around nervously, aware of her immense power and the responsibility she had been entrusted with. She felt a slight shiver run down her spine as she noticed the infected and abandoned AUs. She had never seen anything like it before - it was like a whole universe had been left to rot.

Y/N, sensing her unease, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Error. We're just here to practice your destroying skills. These abandoned AUs are of no consequence, it's just a way to help you control your powers."

Error took a deep breath and nodded, thankful for Y/N's steady presence. She took a few steps forward, feeling the ground shake under her, and then released a small burst of destruction energy. The ground collapsed, leaving a deep pit, and Error could feel the power coursing through her. She was slowly but surely getting the hang of her abilities.

She took a few more steps and released another burst of energy, and this time a small building collapsed. She was finding her confidence, and Y/N was there every step of the way, offering encouragement and guidance.

As the day wore on, Error destroyed more and more, feeling her powers grow stronger with every building that collapsed under her touch. She was starting to understand the magnitude of her powers - she could destroy entire universes, if she chose and she needed to learn to control her abilities before she could fully unleash them on the multiverse.

Y/N was by her side the whole day, offering advice and guidance as she practiced her skills. By the end of the day, Error was completely exhausted but also exhilarated. She had never felt anything like this before, and she knew she was on the path to becoming the ultimate destroyer. But she also knew that she couldn't do it alone, and she was grateful for Y/N's help and guidance.

As they made their way back to the safe zone, Y/N turned to her and said, "I'm proud of you, Error. You've come a long way today. But we still have a lot of work to do."

Error nodded, feeling a mix of fear and excitement coursing through her. She was ready

Y/N looked at Error and nodded. "Yes, I think that's a good idea. We've been out for a while, and we need to rest and re-evaluate things."

They began walking back to the void, where Y/N had created their little safe haven. Error felt a sense of relief at the thought of being able to rest. Her powers were still new to her, and she was still learning how to control them. Y/N had been her guide throughout this journey, and she was grateful for their friendship and guidance.

When they entered the void, Y/N created a small beme of light and they sat around it, sipping on some tea. Y/N looked at Error and asked, "So Error, how do you feel about today?"

Error took a deep breath and replied, "It was... intense, to say the least. My powers are still new to me, and I'm still learning how to control them. But today was a big step, and I'm grateful for your help."

Y/N smiled, "I'm glad you feel that way. But it's important to remember that your powers are a gift, and you should use it wisely. You have the power to destroy anything,  you need to make sure you're using it the right way and not cause any unnecessary harm."

Error nodded, feeling a sense of understanding. She was starting to understand the weight of her powers and the responsibility that came with it. She was ready to face whatever was to come, and she had Y/N by her side to help her every step of the way.

Unfortunately Error accidentally opened a portal and fell in top of a wondering Skeleton. She groaned and looked at him.

They both groan and stand up, Error rubs her head and fixes her hair and covers her head back with the good of her jacket.

" I'm soo sorry, I wasn't looking where I opened the portal to...-"

The other skeleton chuckled

" Its fine, I wasn't looking where I was going...or remember for that matter, Who are you? I'm Ink! Can we be friends? Yep we're friends now! Meet Broomie!-"

Ink continued to ramble about himself and talk to Error, telling her stories that he completely made up about being strong and brave. Error took a liking to him, In awe that a person could be so cool! She listened intently.

" And then I swooped down amd defeated the bad guys, all by myself!"

" You're so cool Ink, I wanna be strong just like you! " Error smiles, her eyes seem to sparkle as she started admiring Ink, he was like a role model to her...an awful one. Unfortunately Error didn't know any better, or remember the warning from Y/N.

" You could some day, Oh! I just remembered I have a meeting to get to! Three hours ago, oh well, at least I missed the boring talking and stuff "

Error blinked " A meeting? About what? Oh sorry I didn't mean to pry " Error added the last part quickly as she started glitching.

" Nothing much just talking about lives and who did this and other boring paper work stuff... Anyways I really do think we should see each other soon!"

' Quite amazing to say all that in one breath, What else should I expect from the Marvelous Ink? '

Error smiles at her thoughts and Ink left in a puddle of black goo. She opened a portal to her void where Y/N was worried sick " Where have you been!?"

" Oh I made a new friend-Ink! He was amazing! He was brave-'

" Ink? Error -"

" Cool! Strong"

" He's what?-"

" And if I might sat, a bit cute"

" Oh dear he poisoned her mind"

" Unfortunately..I didn't get to tell him my name..."

" Thank You God. "

" I can't wait to see him again!"

" Please try to "


Ink you're such a bastard.

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Achievement! :


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Cool dude!

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