331 10 6



0%-5% [ Acquaintances ] Good

5%-10 [Acquaintances ] Good

10%-20%[Friends] Average

25%-30%[ Friends] Average

30%-50%[ Friends] Average

50%-60%[ Crush ] Be careful

60%-70% [Crush] Be careful

70%-85%[ Obsessed] Be very observant

85%-90%[Obsessed] Avoid!¡




Third POV

Error sat down in her void waiting on a ' very important ' call. She sighed as Ink had not destroyed for like whole day. She was a little concerned... about 1% concerned because Ink is annoying but concerned none the less.

A portal opened which snapped Error out of her thoughts. It was Blue and he looked happy " Error! I have great news! Ink is sick! Like really sick, he was throwing up all over the place, isn't this amazing?! "

Blue jumped happily all over the place as Error snorted "It's amazing that your teammate and friend is sick?" Blue stopped smiling and rolled his eyes " I kinda wish he fell into a coma" Error's eyes widened and she started laughing and not too short after Blue joined in.

" So what do you plan on doing now?" Blue was a bit curious as to what the glitchy skeleton planned to do in her spare time. " Well I got offered a job and I accepted, but I'm waiting for my opponent to get ready" Blue smiled "I'm glad for you. What was the job?" Blue asked as he sat down on a bean bag Fresh got for Error on her birthday. It was for when she visited the void since she had a mansion and lots of money thanks to stealing-"I'll get dressed and you guess, be right back" Error got up and walked into a portal to get his clothes. But just as she left, Fresh walked in.

" Waz up glitchy bro- huh? Hey ma blue homie! Where's ma radical sista?" Blue didn't even look around" She's trying on clothes for her new job, you can wait she'll be back in a sec " Fresh nodded and sat next to Blue on the bean bag which Blue didn't like so he pushed Fresh off. Fresh fell down on his ass and whined but then Error came back.

Her ecto body was summoned and she was wearing a sweater top with a mesh heart which exposed her huge- chest while the rest of the sweater stopped at her ass. It hugged her waist perfectly and exposed her curves. Under the sweater she had on short tights and mesh leggings. On her feet she had on heels that had strings which went up to her knee. And her hair was messy.

" I know, it's a little too much but, I kinda like it! " In short Error look fabulous. Blue sat there awestruck and Fresh? He was as a blushing mess, not only was his face hot but something downstairs was standing like a soldier. " B-Bro I-I mean Dudette, you look radical!" Fresh got up and smiled at her.

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