114 5 0



0%-5% [ Acquaintances ] Good

5%-10 [Acquaintances ] Good

10%-20%[Friends] Average

25%-30%[ Friends] Average

30%-50%[ Friends] Average

50%-60%[ Crush ] Be careful

60%-70% [Crush] Be careful

70%-85%[ Obsessed] Be very observant

85%-90%[Obsessed] Avoid!¡



Third POV

As Dust, Killer and Horror planned the birthday party for Nightmare, Cross had the task of looking after the guests. The party was going great, with all the usual suspects in attendance: Outer, Sci, Luke who was upset for some reason, and many more.

But something was missing: Nightmare himself.

No one knew where he was, and despite their best efforts, they couldn't seem to find him. They checked his bedroom, the game room, the pool, even the fridge, but he was nowhere to be found.

Cross, meanwhile, was having a blast hanging out with the guests. He was the life of the party, cracking jokes and making sure everyone was having a good time.

But even with all the fun and games, Dust, Killer and Horror couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. They knew Nightmare would never miss his own birthday party, unless something was seriously amiss.

As the night went on, they kept searching and searching, but the truth was staring them in the face: Nightmare was nowhere to be found.

Finally, exhausted and defeated, they gave up and decided to resume the party without him. But they all knew deep down that something wasn't right, and they couldn't shake the feeling that Nightmare was in trouble. Plus Error was the one to distract Nightmare so where the frick is she? They have both been gone so long...Cross was wondering if they did the naughty or something. But something didn't feel right.

Error crept through the dark castle, carefully picking her way around the various traps and puzzles placed there by the security system. Finally, she reached the window of Nightmare's bedroom, and with a quick gesture, she slipped into the room.

Nightmare lay unconscious on his bed, and Error quickly knelt by his side, checking his pulse. He was alive, but he was clearly in some kind of distress.

As Error waved the substance over Nightmare's nose, he started to stir. He opened his eyes and then sat bolt upright as if struck by lightning.

"What... happened?" Nightmare asked groggily.

"Don't worry about that right now," Error replied with a sigh. "You're okay, that's all that matters." ' Cause I ain't dealing with that shit again.'

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