152 4 0



0%-5% [ Acquaintances ] Good

5%-10 [Acquaintances ] Good

10%-20%[Friends] Average

25%-30%[ Friends] Average

30%-50%[ Friends] Average

50%-60%[ Crush ] Be careful

60%-70% [Crush] Be careful

70%-85%[ Obsessed] Be very observant

85%-90%[Obsessed] Avoid!¡



   Third POV

Error stepped back and sweatdropped " You're forcing me? What authority do you have over me?!" Error looked at Nightmare in shock, this mf, wasn't even polite with it, he straight up demanded for her to marry him

" As your future husband I have no power over you but, as your boss, I demand you marry me " Error glared at him " Why the heck would I do that?" She asked as she folded her arms. Nightmare chuckled " Because I'm the love of your life sweetie, And I will do everything in my power too keep our family safe"

Error looked at Nightmare, her eyes widened as bloodlust rushed through Nightmare's eyes, his aura was distorted and possessive, she knew if Nightmare grabbed her, she would never be free. So she thought up a plan " Marry you? Oh that will be delightful! Amazing actually, but let me think about this ' amazing ' turn of events" Error smiled and looked up at Nightmare who puts his finger to his chin " Alright, you may think about it. But a rabbit hole can't be found if the loop of time keeps going around" Error pauses for a second to think about the riddle. But she soon gave him a smile and walked somewhere far from him.

Error's heart was racing as she processed what Nightmare had just done. She felt a mix of anger, shock, and betrayal. How could he have done something so sneaky and dishonest?

She needed to tell her best friend Luke about this. She knew he would be there to offer her support and advice. She reached for her phone and dialed Luke's number.

"Luke!" she exclaimed when he answered. "You won't believe what this emo ass octopus just did!"

Luke listened with a mix of shock and disbelief as Error told him everything that had happened. "He proposed to you that bitch, I'm so gonna lose money" Luke asked, his voice filled with confusion and distraught, he thought Blue would make a move first, damn, time to give back Cross his money.

"Yes," Error replied, her anger growing with every word. "But the way he did it was so underhanded. He took me to this special spot he'd been planning for months, and when I turned around, he was on one knee, demanding for to be his wife. It was like he was trying to manipulate me into saying yes!"

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