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Gayoung put down the empty packets and candy wrappers, her eyes wide with disbelief as she looked around her room.

"I did it again," she thought. "I promised myself that I wouldn't do this again, but here I am, binge eating again like a mindless animal."

She put her face in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks as the realization of her actions hit her like a hammer.

She sat there in her room, filled with disgust and shame as she finally came to terms with the fact that she simply couldn't control herself.

Gayoung stared at her reflection in the mirror, feeling overwhelmed by her behavior.

She had tried to ignore the fact that it was getting worse, but she was now at a point where she could barely function normally.

She looked at her body in the mirror and saw how thin she had gotten, and she knew that this was not healthy.

She knew that she needed to get help, but that she would also have to confront the underlying issues that were causing this in the first place.

Gayoung continued staring at her reflection in the mirror, unable to believe what she was seeing.She could see how frail and sickly she looked, and she felt a sense of shame and disappointment in herself.

"Why do I look like this?" she asked herself, a slight sob catching in her throat.

She covered her face with her hands as tears began streaming down her cheeks.

She knew that she needed to get help, but she didn't know where to begin.

Gayoung soon heard a ringtone coming from her cellphone, but she ignored it, still overcome with shame and embarrassment.

As she put her phone down, the ringtone kept going.

"I just want to be left alone," she said aloud, burying her head under the blankets.

"What now?" she mumbled to herself,picking the phone up without checking the caller.

"Gayoung, are you there?" She froze, recognizing Minji's voice.

"Yes" she replied softly.

"Are you alright?"

Gayoung closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," she said quickly, trying to convince herself.

Minji was silent on the other end of the line, a slight concern in her tone.

"Alright then..I was just gonna ask If you're gonna come to the hangout with us"

Gayoung was quiet for a moment, still unable to summon the confidence to go out.

"I'm sorry Minji ah I—"

"Look you've been like this for a month Moon Gayoung—" Minji sighs in the middle of her talk.

"Never mind...I'll see you later" Minji ends the call with a groan as Gayoung holds back her tears,unable to explain herself.

She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves.She knew that she needed to talk to someone, anyone, about this.

She picked up her phone, intent on texting someone.

She paused, her fingers hovering over the screen of her phone. Who should she text?

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