I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It seemed too good to be true. It took all of my willpower not to run to him that instance and hug him.

Instead, I stared into his gray eyes, wanting to see if there was the slightest reason I could doubt him.

But his steady gaze remained on me, looking at me sincerely, I couldn't find anything other than genuine care in his eyes.

"But Mr. Carlton, do you even know what you are saying?" I asked. He raised his brows in surprise to my question. "I mean, if I'm not wrong, you are implying that..that.." I couldn't seem to be able to complete that sentence.

"That I want to help you in raising him? I guess, although he is basically almost grown-up, and you have raised him well enough that raising him isn't such a big task."

I felt my cheeks flush at the compliment. Out of everything someone could say to me, praising me for how well my son is being raised is what would mean the most to me.

"It's just that Liam really wants a male adult figure in his life. He wants it. Every kid would. His dad turned out to be a jackass who never appreciated his child, and you have no plans of bringing in any male figures.." His voice trailed off as I gave him a blank stare.

"So you are saying you want to be in his life, forever,  irrespective of whether there is anything between us or not?"

"What does that have to do with this?" He asked with a shrug.

"So... in the future.. when I do find a man and fall in love -"

"I will break his bones." He said his gaze, darkening and his entire body going rigid. "Are you telling me," he spoke, his voice becoming low and dangerous, making me realize that I had said something very, very wrong.

He got up from his desk and slowly advanced towards me. I gulped, taking a step back for each step he took. "That all the excuses you have been making not to be with me is actually because you don't  want to be with me? That you actually dont feel anything for me?" I quickly shook my head, seeing the fire in his eyes and wanting to quench it.

I realized that I was no longer afraid of him when he got mad. I just didn't like to see him that way because it usually meant I had done something wrong, and much worse, I had managed to hurt him.

I gasped in surprise as he fastened his pace and grabbed me, pulling me to him.

It felt like an electricity had passed between us as our bodies touched. A current so strong that I felt my nipples harden as it just touched his chest.

I bit my lip not to let the whimper at the tip of my tongue escape.

His nose flared as his stormy gray eyes met mine before it strayed down to my lips.

"Say it then," I heard him whisper as his gaze remained a bit dazed and fastened on my lips.

"Say..what?" I whispered back, just as dazed as he seemed to be.

"Say that it's me or no one at all." He said, as his tone turned demanding.

I blinked a couple of times, trying to focus on what he was saying.

"Sorry?" I asked, my cloudy brain struggling to understand.

"You are mine, Ashley. Nobody else has the right to touch you, kiss you, care for you, or love you. You understand me?" He asked. His face was so close that I couldn't help getting captured in his beautiful eyes that was looking down at me so possesively right now.

My hand lifted in its own accord and cupped his soft, stubbled jaw. I gazed at him, unable to hide everything I felt for him. My lips curved into a smile as he leaned into my touch while his hand came and clasped mine.

Was I really this lucky to have won such a man's affection towards me. Who am I for him to want me like this. But the fact is he does, doesn't he? I wondered, looking at him questioningly.

His reply was to turn his face and place a kiss on my palm. My eyes widened at his sweet gesture, and I felt my heart melt.

His face turned back to me, and he asked again. "Say that it's only me. No one else can come into your life."

He allowed me to see the vulnerability he felt, and my heart clenched just before I realized what that meant.

He is the only one for me, which means I am the only one for him. Me, broken, abused, and frigid me who is incapable of making any man happy.

My smile slipped from my face, and my hand fell away from his face....


Sorry in advance if this chapter is a mess. I just don't have the energy to check. My flu is killing me 🤧

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