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Regina, the epitome of grace and elegance, beams with excitement as she talks about my upcoming debut. "Oh, Nirvana, you simply won't believe all the preparations I've made for your debut! We've invited every noble lady in the empire who can possibly attend. It's going to be a grand affair."

"Oh?" I arch a brow. "Whilst I didn't give a budget, that sounds like it will cost a grand amount." I say off handedly. I'm certain whatever she's planned, I can afford. But I can't help the jest and the teasing I dole out on her.

She waves a hand on me, as Dahlia laughs. "Nonsense. What budget?" She questions. "The daughter of the Claude family has no budget."

Dahlia stifles a laugh. "You're certainly feeling more comfortable as of late with your wealth." Her words are muttered and teasing beneath her breath, but she glances away when Regina looks at her. As if daring her to say it louder.

I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Regina's unwavering support, but I'm not one to accept such generosity without offering something in return. I insist, "Regina, I appreciate everything you're doing, but I must contribute. I'll pay for the expenses."

She waves off my offer with a dismissive gesture, her usually collectiveness momentarily ruffled. "Nonsense. This costs nothing to me, and I'm delighted to do it. Your debut is a significant event, and I want it to be perfect." She seems so excited about the event, and it rubs off on me with vigour.

Her response leaves me slightly exasperated. I'm not accustomed to receiving such lavish treatment without being able to reciprocate. In jest, I tease, "Well, Regina, if it costs you nothing, perhaps you should have spent even more. Until it did cost you something. A more extravagant debut would certainly make a statement."

She blinks for a moment, before a giggle bursts forth from her. Dahlia chuckles softly at our banter, enjoying the playful exchange between her friends. As we continue to chat and sip tea, I can't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging in this moment. Regina's generosity, while not surprising with how kind she's been to me, is a sweet statement and promise to our friendship, and I am grateful for the support of both her and Dahlia.

I think for a moment about something to gift her.

What do you give a daughter whose richer than the emperor himself?

We're in the midst of our tea and conversation when suddenly, both Dahlia and Regina frown, their attention drawn to my chest. Confused, I follow their gaze, wondering what could have their interest. Dahlia speaks first, her tone tinged with concern. "Nirvana, do you have a communication crystal on you? It looks like someone may be trying to contact you."

I furrow my brow, not recalling having brought a communication crystal with me. But as I glance down at my chest, I notice a soft blue light shining from within my clothing. It takes me a moment to remember; I do have Shade's contact crystal with me.

Curiosity piqued, I contemplate ignoring it, as I'm currently engrossed in our tea and conversation. It's not the best time to be speaking to her. However, before I can make a decision, the soft blue light abruptly changes to red. This sudden shift alarms me, and I can't help but reach into my clothing to retrieve the crystal.

Dahlia must see my frown and realise I'm slightly confused by the colour, because she explains, "That's an emergency contact signal. When it turns red, it means something urgent must be happening. You should see who's trying to reach you."

I look at them for a moment, wondering if it'd be best to take the call elsewhere, but I choose not to. This can be another step to see if I can trust them with all of my secrets. Whilst it's not a test, I do hope they don't do something that make me lose the trust and friendship we have all built with one another.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now