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I return to the tent from my outside excursions the night before.

As the sun begins to rise, casting its golden rays upon the tent, I step inside. Six, already awake, blinks at my sudden appearance, before she prepares a bath for me, her hands moving with practiced grace. I undress, my clothes falling to the ground, revealing the bruises and cuts that mar my skin. I catch Six's gaze fixed upon the marks, her eyes widening in shock and concern.

Her voice trembles slightly as she asks, "My lady, what happened to you? These wounds... they look severe."

I meet her gaze with a bored expression, the weariness of my nightly battles etched upon my face. "Just an encounter with the beasts that roam these forest. I spent my time there last night. They serve as worthy sparring opponents."

Her astonishment is evident as she takes in my nonchalant response. "You..went into the forest? And...used them to practise?" She asks me, voice filled with shock. "You actually went in there and fought them?"

"Hm." I hum. "They were fun at first. A little boring some time after."

The sight of my battered body manages to stir a mixture of worry and admiration within her.
Silently, Six fills the bath with warm water, the steam rising in delicate tendrils. The fragrant oils she adds mingle with the air, preparing to seep into my skin. It is a small luxury I find myself appreciating.

As I immerse myself in the soothing water, the heat seeping into my weary muscles, Six's gaze lingers on me, concern etched across her features. Quietly, and without word, she begins to tend to the wounds.

Her voice is gentle, filled with a mixture of affection and worry. "Please, my lady, take care. We may not have been together long, and I am aware that your strength is formidable. But even the strongest need respite." She begins to clean my skin.

"It was a miscalculation on my part." I say. "But as kind as your words seem, I'm sure you're aware controlling my magic is important. The best way to do that is training myself and my body to harness it." If my body continues to remain weak, I can let go of any desire I have for weaponising my magic.

I crack my neck left and right, rubbing at my shoulders. When I'm satisfied they aren't aching anymore, I close my eyes, letting the warm water envelop me, washing away the dirt and weariness of the night. "Besides, Six, I'm merely scoping out the land for you."

She stills. "Eh?"

I glance at her. "I'm not training you meaninglessly. It's one thing to be able to fight in practise and theory, but it's another to be able to implement it in battle." My lips twitch in a cold smirk. "Soon enough, you shall be fighting those beasts."


I emerge from the water and wrap a towel around myself as she stares, gaping at my confession. "My lady? My lady? My lady!" She yells after me in horror but I just amusedly ignore her.

Six assists me in dressing for the day when she notices I don't have much else to say. Her cheeks are filled, somehow looking like a petulant child as she goes about her duty.

She selects a beautiful, simple dress, carefully crafted to complement the wild beauty of the surroundings. The fabric is soft against my skin, its gentle caress reminding me of the touch of a gentle breeze. And most of all, it hides any wounds from prying eyes.

With deft hands, Six skillfully fastens the buttons and ties a delicate jewel around my hips, ensuring the dress fits me perfectly. The attention to detail she has is of someone who knows the ins and outs of a matter, at least when it comes to things a noble lady might need.

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant