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"You have to look extravagant."

As I sit in front of the vanity mirror, Six stands behind me, ready to work her magic. She delicately holds a brush in her hand, dipping it into a palette of exquisite colors. With a serene focus, she begins to apply makeup to enhance my features for the important birthday dinner tonight.

"Hm, do I?" I offhandedly reply, flipping the page in my book as she flutters around me like a pixie.

With determination, she nods. "Absolutely. I hadn't realised how close the arch Duchy and the Silverstone family were, but they must be if they're having dinner together. That's not something even nobles who marry into each other's houses do most times."

Her touch is feather-light, like a gentle breeze caressing my skin. "What exactly do you know about their relationship?" I ask as she starts by applying a flawless base, blending a foundation that perfectly matches my complexion. The soft strokes of the brush create an even, radiant canvas, erasing any imperfections and leaving my skin with a natural glow.

"Hmm. Noble families are known for their privacy. But your family and the Silverstone duchy even more so." She explains. I feel a wave of dizziness, but I ignore it, shutting my eyes for a few moments. The only sound I can hear is Six moving around, and the tickling touches here and there.

"My lady?"

I hear her voice in the distance, and open my eyes again. I see a faint glow behind her mask. "Yes?"

She leans down to me, lifting a hand from her motions to press to my face instead. "Are you alright? You look a little..." she pauses. "Pale."

"I hadn't realised I could look pale." I tease, closing my book. The words are swimming on the page, and I can hardly focus with the lack of interest in the topic.

"My lady!" She huffs as he cheeks light pink. "I just mean you have a sickly hue about you. Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm well. There is no need worry." I tell her as she continues her work.

She doesn't entirely believe me, but doesn't question my motives as she moves to my eyes, carefully selecting shades that will accentuate their unique color. She spends her time on them, blending hues of warm browns and shimmering golds, creating a captivating blend of light and shadow. As she sweeps the brush across my eyelids, I watch in the mirror.

With a steady hand, Six lines my eyes, delicately tracing the contours with a precise stroke of the eyeliner. She seems to know exactly how to enhance the shape and intensity, accentuating the features already present. The final touch comes in the form of lash ink, adding length and volume to my lashes, making them flutter with elegance.

"Whew." She sighs. "My maids used to poke me in the eyes all the time applying this for me." I listen to her muse about her past. I don't tell her how she's not tearing up at the mention of it anymore. "It got bad enough that I had to do it myself."

I glance at the ink like pencil she's using. I guess they don't have mascara in this world.

She moves onto my cheeks for her artistic touch. She selects a rosy blush that complements my skin tone, gently dusting it on the apples of my cheeks as I close my eyes. With each stroke, a healthy flush emerges, adding a touch of natural radiance and a hint of youthful vibrancy.

Lastly, she turns her attention to my lips. She carefully chooses a shade that matches the attire I will be wearing, a bold yet sophisticated shade. The lipstick glides smoothly, defining my lips with precision and leaving them with a luscious glow.

"You know, my lady, before we had met that fateful night, I had heard rumours about you." She tells me, her voice pensive. "I wasn't one to appear much around high society, even less than you have, but I didn't miss the whispers."

How to court a storm | 𝘈𝘯 𝘐𝘴𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭Where stories live. Discover now